Unfortunately my RAD lasted only for 4 weeks. If taking rad 140 do not go over 20 mg or your balls and liver will hate you, stay away from the mk-677 unless you plan to do a low or no carb diet. Subreddit for discussion about Rad140. can you please help me choose between the 2 and also a pct to take. I’d definitely suggest 8 weeks for all SARMS Jul 19, 2022 · In the end, I have to mention that RAD 140 and MK 2866 are similar and popular SARMs. I usually take clomid after but i’m not sure if that is okay to take on cycle. Hopefully this will benefit someone else and if not just describe the ride. Nov 6, 2023 · When it comes to mass building, we recommend the following 8-week stack: Anadarine S4 – 25mg morning – 25mg evening. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Also stacking sarms generally isn’t the best idea as they work on the exact same pathway so you won’t get as much gains as taking 2 cycles of the individual sarms, but you’ll be even more suppressed. if you take Rad, i'd do 10-15mg a day. But I would like to have some gains, while losing a little bit of weight. GW501516 – 20mg 30 minutes before your workout. Never taken them before and want to know if these two are good for fat loss. Body recomposition dosage would be somewhere in the middle (15mg a day). This is why you see many people stacking the two together so they can back up the strength gains from Rad-140 with increased bone density thy will support their newfound gains post-cycle for years to come. Currently on 10mg rad and 12. I just got my MK-2866 25mg/ml, was wondering how long I should do for my first cycle. Users’ stats: Height: user did not disclose Apr 5, 2024 · This is a modified version of RAD – 140. Ligandrol, being a full agonist of the androgen receptor is quite suppressive and dosages as low as 5mgs a day have been known to cause heavy Testosterone suppression. 1. I gotchu Bruv, cycles both osterine at 20mg for 8 weeks and did a 10 week cycle of rad at 15mg eod. Testolone is a better option for people who are having more experience with SARMs. Save the MK 677 for another time, you probably don't have enough anyways considering your post. Im planning on taking 20mg a day for about 6-8 weeks. More protein than when ure off cycle rad will pack the muscle on with a swiftness while recomping, shredding fat and the mk will help with fat loss and keeping ure muscles hydrated and help u sleep like a baby it's the best in my opinion Now looking at the following stack and dosages based on the source concentration: RAD-140: 15mg / day for 8 weeks in morning. In your pursuit of a ripped physique, the Get Ripped Stack, consisting of MK-677, RAD-140, and GW-501516, is a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals. Weeks 7-8: RAD 10mg ED / Enclo 6. these are sarms. Archived post. 5mg for 8 weeks and 9-12 the same pct protocol. I’m using 10mg of Rad and 20mg of MK-2866. Jul 26, 2017 · 1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a. Business, Economics, and Finance. Apr 14, 2024 · Most people who use Ostarine stay in the range of 5mg a day (5mg a day is mostly for therapeutic reasons – joint healing, etc. r/sarmssourcetalk. Week 3-10 20mg ED (if tolerated well from weeks 1 and 2) Nolva - only if absolutely necessary. SARMs are not steroids. Run rad-140 8 weeks, less sides and suppression and almost similar gains. If you want to bulk up u can go for lgd since its a better compound for that. Testolone increases your cells’ sensitivity to androgens whereas MK 677 works on boosting the growth hormone and insulin growth factor IGF-1 . I'm 5'11 and weigh 220lbs, but with good muscle tone, just a lot of my fat is around my waistline, ie. 25mg ED also dosed on NAC supplement. RAD 140 is suitable for bulking, and Ostarine is utilized for cutting. The great thing, however, is that it’s very researched and it’s considered to be a very safe compound. Noticeable stronger pumps since day 2, strength was going steadily up. I'm ordering from Hardcore SARMS Australia, their stuff is pretty decent. Here is an advanced cutting stack that also follows an 8-week cycle: Ostaraine – 20mg in the morning. Currently I am 199, and 5 foot11. I haven’t noticed any significant strength gains yet but I can already see a change in my arms, shoulders and traps. If you don’t want to pin just take test undecanoate. the only similar stack I have seen is rad-140, mk677, and cardarine. The actual weight of the scoop is going to vary dramatically based on the density of the powder. Lmk what compound would work best to take something like 8 weeks on and 4 weeks after. Also you can run nolva alongside the rad, helps combat gyno and suppression. They’re competing for receptor space and aren’t gonna really make a whole lot more of gains in return you get a hell of a lot more suppression. Yeah, Ostarine (MK-2866) is usually seen as a gentle SARM option. Disclaimer: I have experience running multiple cycles of LGD, RAD, and one 8 week cycle (while stacked with LGD) of Ostarine. I didn’t say messed up. 6 Despite the growing use and purported safety of SARMs in the fitness and bodybuilding communities, very few clinical studies aimed at understanding their pharmacokinetic profiles and identifying So from reading this my understanding is ostrine keeps muscle but helps cut fat, rad-140 is more of a bulking, helps gain weight and helps with muscle strength, if my goal right now is to get lean cut fat and hopefully get abs and pecs I should go for ostrine. Top is rad 140 20mg per day by itself. Thinking about running my 4th sarm cycle with mk2866 and rad140. • 2 yr. Week 1 – 10mg Ostarine / 10mg YK-11 / 10mg RAD-140 / 10mg MK 677. For pct use tamoxifen 4 weeks after cycle 3 weeks 20mg ed and last week 10mg. Ostarine, YK-11, RAD-140. Master-Cable-8446. MK-677: 15mg / day for 8 weeks at night. Both compounds selectively target androgen receptors in the body, resulting in enhanced muscle growth. Jun 29, 2024 · The above-pictured customer gained 16 pounds after taking 5 mg of LGD-4033, 15 mg of RAD 140, and 25 mg of MK-677. You will def have more gains on Rad-140 just bc it's stronger. Hi I’ve finished my cycle time back so I can give you advice on this I went on and did a 8 week cycle where i started 6. Theres reports of being able to go 6mths with MK677 because it's not suppressive (technically not a SARM) Start slow on your dosage for both, see how your body reacts. -then you have ostarine and rad-140. Please give me advice for the MK-2866 cycle! Appreciate! Currently using MK-2866 15mg a day and S4 40mg a day and MK-677 12. I should be totally shut down right now, but the Andro 4 is working as a test base. RAD 140 is helpful in bulking cycles whereas MK 677 also helps improve bone density in addition to improving muscle mass. Osta is not suppressive and GW is not suppressive nor is it r/Ostarine. Week 1. No because the RAD will overpower the Ostarine, but you get twice the liver toxicity. Just a quick curiosity on everyone's opinions and advice. The only thing I took all the way through was ostarine. This blueprint should be a lot safer and healthier. Week 11-12: Enclo 6. I am thinking of taking mk677 with either mk2866 or rad 140 . I also have a liver guard with NAC, Milk thistle, Tumeric root, ALA, & some other things in it. I’m on my first cycle, same stack, and I’ve made sure to ease in. Both bloods are 4 weeks in on 2 different cycles. So far this cycle has been amazing. Can please tell me Stacking Rad 140 + MK677 + MK2866 + LGD - 4033 is this overkill? 28 years old, been training since I was 16, ran my first cycle earlier this year & now running my second as stated above. It was noticeable being off it vs on even 2 weeks worth. If taking mk-2866 (ostarine) do not worry about a diet just eat clean bulking carbs whether cutting or not. Crypto So i grabbed 60 caps of each off a site and was wondering if 1 month is the cycle limit at 25MG a day or do I need to buy more of it for more… Definitely RAD140. Just wanted to post a 4 week update of my first rad-140 cycle. No Broscience, No misinformation. I have not seen this stack before. that is my current state . 25mg EOD. MK-2866: 15mg / day for 8 weeks in morning. (This will be in a 500-700 calorie deficit) Week 1: 10mg ED. Much stronger than ostarine and great for gaining size. Day 8. mk2866 or rad140. Jun 18, 2020 · The most popular SARMs currently on the market include Ostarine (MK-2866), Ligandrol (LGD-4033), Testolone (RAD-140), and Andarine (GTx-007, S-4). RAD 140 has had only one phase I study. Go for 8 weeks with 10 mg and pct from 4-8 with tamox 20/20/10/10. Reply. 20mg of Ostarine (MK-2866) 20mg of Cardarine (GW-501516) 3,8g of Creatine -----Mood: **** Yup. i used to be skinny af and this is very good progress according to me i have been researching about sarms and i am thinking of hoping on. 20mg of Ostarine (MK-2866) Jan 16, 2024 · Multiple Cycles | Bulk | RAD 140, MK 2866, LGD 4033. Informations: Im experienced with the Gym and how to train right. Left pics beginning Right pics current Been running Rad-150/ mk2866 ED -Rad- 15mg ED on week 7 right now -Mk2866- 25mg ED week 7 right now -Creatine CR5 1 serving (4 capsules) don't reccomend this I'll being going back to monohydrate after this bottles out -5% liver and organ protection (9 capsules a day) Experienced extreme suppression around week 3 I assumed I had low T levels to begin with Hello good people, I would like to share my experience on this cycle. Just make sure you are running DHEA, or a SERM on cycle, so that your body has some estrogen floating around. I do have nolva on hand just in case of suppression but from my research Ostarine is very mild when it comes to Just started taking MK- 2866. Hey don’t worry this is from beyond Max I have their rad MK and carter in and it’s all legit I made some insane gains I’m currently running an MK cycle and things are going well I was worried when I ordered from them because the bottle didn’t say from beyond max it said Revitasarm, I can promise it’s legit. And yes, I did feel lethargy coming off rad even after that short time. It was created by GTx to treat muscle wasting disorders such as cachexia. They are both great in their own right and can be used for cutting or bulking. They’re actually PPAR Delta Agonists, a drug class. Overall pretty good mood, though. I got 20kg heavier while this experience. Just don’t know if I should be doing a 4, 6, or 8 week cycle. The first 5 weeks I was taking 25mg and the last 2 weeks I was taking 10-13mg. Ostarine can lead to an increase in estrogen levels, whereas LGD 4033 can lead to a decrease in globulin and testosterone levels. I’ve also gained about 2 lbs. If you cant find arimistane you could also give aspirin a go for a very minimal effect, but you should be able to find arimistane easily. My question I have a big beach trip coming up at the end of the month and I’d like to be as big and lean as Mk-2866 or rad 140? I was going to take a low dose of rad-140 (5mg) to mitigate the risk of t suppression, balding etc. I haven't used Rad-140 before, so hoping it goes well. If you’re in Canada and ready to take your fitness Currently using MK-2866 15mg a day and S4 40mg a day and MK-677 12. Mk2866 or rad 140 hello there. Hey I'm thinking about running Rad and Ostarine in the same cycle with Nolvadex as a pct. Want to prepare everything before hand so want to be sure. it is better to take it for more time with low dosage since it mimics ghrelin and then release hgh, them igf-1, etc, etc. Available information: User u/FreakyOli did not disclose much information about his RAD 140 cycle, but this is his progress after 3 cycles in which he used RAD 140, LGD 4033 and MK 2866. I’m sleeping just fine, decent energy levels, lost a lot of my appetite though. 5mg a day at night! So far I feel good! But due to work, I can only do a 8-9 week cycle, if I want better effect, is it a good option to add RAD-140 5mg a day in the last two Currently looking to try out mk-2866 at 15mg, I used to be around 310 pounds at 6’1 and had started working out 5 days a week and have gotten myself to 220 within the span of about 2 years…i feel like I’ve hit a plateau and have thought about just running a 1 time 8 week cycle of mk-2866 with some enclo here and there. Bottom is rad 140 20mg and mk 2866 25mg and 3 doses 150 mg Andro 4 per day. Stacking SARMs is not like stacking steroids where by you start with a hormonal sledgehammer, stack it with an RPG and now youve creates a rocket propelled sledgehammer directed at your entire endocrine system. Ostarine is more mild and has more research studies done on it, for things like breast cancer and muscle wasting diseases. If you go on Osta, start with 15 then up to 20mg after first week. Nov 24, 2023 · Final Words. Here is what you need to know about the two compounds: Ostarine is the most widely researched SARM with multiple phase II clinical trials. 23 year old male. These compounds offer unique benefits, from muscle growth and fat loss to enhanced endurance and overall well-being. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now RAD+MK-2866+LGD . No lethargy, no acne, sleep is great . Nov 22, 2023 · Muscle growth: MK-2866 and LGD-4033 are developed primarily to facilitate muscle building, with LGD-4033 being known for its potential in bulking. Im doing a total of 8 weeks. Aug 28, 2020 · The Main Differences between LGD 4033 vs Ostarine. Week 2: 15mg ED. With an introduction out of the way here is my plan…. Br3tt96 • 3 yr. 5mg a day at night! So far I feel good! But due to work, I can only do a 8-9 week… Jun 30, 2021 · Ostarine is the glue that holds everything together, and if you want to really see optimal results, try running these three compounds alongside MK 677. but I was wondering if Mk-2866 would be a better option. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sep 24, 2020 · Main Differences. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. People like it because it's supposed to help with building muscle without hitting you with as many harsh side effects as regular steroids. You might have heard about RAD 140 and Ostarine, two popular SARMs known for their muscle-building benefits. In a perfect world I would like to lose a little bit of Stomach fat and gain some muscle mass. ago. Kreos2688 • 1 yr. if you never used any androgenic drug, just Unleash the right pick by comparing Testolone RAD 140 and Ostarine MK-2866, examining their similarities, differences, and potential benefits and risks. But are you confused between the two? Feb 13, 2023 · Ostarine (MK-2866) possesses potent fat-burning properties due to its positive effects on insulin sensitivity and stimulation of the androgen receptor. The last 3 years i was in a relationship and ignore the gym. The real benefit of MK2866 that you find over Rad-140 is in bone formation and strengthening. So I recently began my first SARMS cycle and figured I’d document it weekly on here for research or reference purposes. If you take it every other day suppression for most is minimal to none. MembersOnline. ADMIN MOD. Ostarine, however, is a better option for those Choose wisely, Good luck! If your looking to add size, and towards the end of the cycle, LGD will help you there. Strength Gains: Elevates strength levels, making it a go-to for those focusing on powerlifting or intense strength training. Now, as for Rad-140, it’s strong, one of the So, this is my very first time trying any SARM. I understand it's one of the most studied SARMs out there but my biggest fear is any kind of heart issues as in a heart attack or stroke. m. I started the cycle mainly cuz I had Rad was the same way for me, felt really good within a few days after the headaches went away, even noticed considerable strength gains and better pumps, but size gains literally flew on after about 5 weeks. RAD 140 is said to work on the lines of muscle recovery Feb 27, 2024 · Ostarine, or MK 2866, is a versatile SARM with a strong anabolic effect. so I’m exited to see what happens and lab rat it for the community 🐀 If u are experienced and you want to cut pick RAD 140. I ordered the rad 140 20mg/ml and the ostarin 25mg/ml. Mk will probably make you stupid hungry so if you want that to help you eat take it in the morning, if you don't want to eat everything in sight take it before bed Bruh there's literally no such thing. RAD 140 is stronger on a milligram to Jul 29, 2022 · Here are the key differences between Rad 140 and Ostarine: RAD 140 is meant for advanced users, whereas Ostarine is meant for amateurs or begiernns. You shouldn't stack sarms. But remember, everyone's body reacts differently, so it's still smart to be careful and maybe get some pro advice before jumping in. 5 mg mk677 cycle. First Rad-140 cycle 4 week update. Is that too much for first timer? Personally I always wanted to stick to 1 thing at a time but it's hard to argue the synergy. 11K subscribers in the rad140 community. I have taken the above SARMs separately, however I haven’t stacked RAD and Ostarine. Health supplements: NAC 600mg ED on first month, 1200mg ED on second month. Rad-140 at 20 mgs a day for 12 weeks stacked with mk677 @25mgs at night b4 bed eat tons of protein (quality) and decent amount of carbs. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Hi i just started my first cycle of mk 2866. Starting with MK2866 because I don’t want to go right into something aggressive like Rad 140. Started with 5mg RAD 10 mg Cardarine in the mornings and 12,5mg MK in the evenings. The androgenic effects are very weak under RAD-140, an increase in aggression should be expected anyways. Update: 7 weeks into Rad 140 and Mk-677. 25mg enclo and 10mg ostarine ED together for the first week my second week I bumped up to 15mg ED carrying on enclo and then 3rd-8th week I ran it on 20mg ED still carrying on enclo at 6. I'm currently going to start MK-2866 (22mg) a day. I started going back to the gym and am about 30lbs over my ideal weight. I did my own research on mk 2866 but i just wanted to hear some first hand experiences people had with mk 2866 on how the pumps We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. PCT Use Enclomiphene with Rad/MK-2866/other? katz; Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Jun 25, 2024 · In this guide, we compare Mk-2866 vs Rad-140, exploring the benefits and side effects of these popular SARMs so you can make an informed decision. -mk-677 will give a hand in both cut or bulk. This guide will teach you about the benefits, side effects, and correct dosages. His results in terms of hypertrophy are prominent, considering he had previously utilized anabolic steroids in the past, and thus his potential for muscle growth was greatly reduced (compared to a lifetime natural weightlifter). Rad-140, MK-2866, Cardarine Stack. Nonetheless, Testolone is surely a stronger compound than Ostarine, that’s why it has some more and nastier side effects too. Perfectly fine to start with 10mg. So I did my first cycle, which was ostarine (MK-2866) for 7 weeks. Ostarine was developed for muscle wasting and osteoporosis in patients with chronic diseases, whereas LGD 4033 was developed for maintaining muscle mass. It will make you less watery. MK2866 / Ostarine / 8weeks cycle with picture. However, LGD-4033 is often considered more potent than MK-2866. Goal is to burn 1000 calories daily. PaleJoe. I am looking for a on cycle supplement to keep my test up the whole time with a couple weeks after as well. 5 Thinking of doing a The general sense I get is: ligandrol is overall better ostarine, which is better than andarine (due to vision sides). Taking RAD-140 right after a MK-2866 (Ostarine) Cycle. I am interested, take before and after pics! 12 votes, 32 comments. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Stacking LGD4033, RAD140, MK2866 The lgd is 6mg; rad 10mg; mk 25mg What should be a correct way to take this stack for a month with the dosages Go to sarmssourcetalk. RAD-140 + Enclo is a very good combo. love handles. Ostarine can be tolerated quite well. The strength and endurance gains I have been experiencing have been ridiculous. From what I’ve read, not too many I had no immediate negative side effects. Jun 19, 2024 · The Differences Between RAD 140 and Ostarine. I've read sources where they say rad DEFINITELY needs pct, some say it doesn't at max 5mg. Their impressive effects on muscle building is why they’re usually classified as SARMs. Reddit User & Source: u/FreakyOli. Lean muscle gains, however, are mild and should be considered inferior to more potent SARMs, such as LGD-4033 or RAD-140. also it is not a sarm. It is also less researched. Been on my PCT for 3 weeks now. Apr 6, 2024 · MK 2866 is definitely a cheat code when it comes to gaining muscle, but it’s very mild compared to some other SARMs. May 10, 2023 · The SARMs that were used by these patients were LGD-4033, RAD-140, and MK-2866. RAD 140 gives you major side effects as compared to Ostarine. ) and up to 30mg a day. It appears to promote joint health and may help reduce inflammation, which could make it useful in injury prevention and recovery. 25mg ED. Always do you bloodwork before and after. Currently suffering badly from insomnia but this may be due to anxiety about waiting to get approval to start new job (I do nights & have for the last 5 years Bruh 4 andro is so bad for you. Enclo as a “base” for both although using Enclo as a base is controversial I never have experienced suppression on either compound bc I ram Enclo from Because if it was ALL normal, then you probably had fake stuff. 0. It is important to note that SR–9009 and GW–50156 are not SARMs but are grouped with them, anyway. Your numbers are skewed by fitness industry lies. You can expect to get 2 lbs of muscle on a cut or 6lbs of muscle on a lean bulk. All my lifts are up, the most significant one being bench at a 40 lbs increase. Just use a conservative dose of the RAD140 for 8-12 weeks and you’ll see plenty results. Aspirin reduces inflammation and is also a weak aromatase inhibitor". -Ryan. Always take milk thistle on a cycle, atleast 200 mg. ) 15 min cardio 5 days a week minimum. I hurt my rotator cuff at work, one week on both and was able to work shoulders again. Having done 3 cycles of RAD so far, that's what I recommend: Weeks 1-4: RAD 10mg ED. nac286. Cycle length of 10 - 12wks for OSTA (Mk2866). Week 9-10: Enclo 6. If you take 1 scoop of ostarine, 1 scoop of creatine, 1 scoop of chalk, those are all going to be different weights. My whole body is sore, I'm gonna take a rest day. Ostarine MK 2866 – 25mg per day. There are telltale signs. Feeling no sides except for some joint pain upon waking up in the morning that goes away after some minutes. SARMs are inherently mild and targeted in the body. If you didn’t have at least low SHBG, low testosterone, or low HDL, then your Ostarine was probably fake. In four studies that reported hormonal levels, in addition to reduced total testosterone levels, there were reduced levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). Looking for recommendations on doses and timing for when I can start using the Ostarine for muscle preservation. -cardarine is useful in both situations as well, i would advise you to take 10mg if bulk, 10-20mg if cut. hello there. 2. An application of RAD-140 is reminiscent of a mild version of the oral steroid turinabol. Probably the ostarine though. Have gained 16 lbs since start. •. Would I still need a pct? I'm looking to do a RAD-140 and MK-677 stack, first 8 weeks 10mgs of rad and 25mgs of mk then the next 4 weeks only 25mgs of mk. 25 mg ED. Additionally, it has been suggested that MK-2866 may help to maintain muscle mass during periods of caloric Apr 4, 2024 · To give you an accurate measure of how strong that is, consider the fact that the SARM closest to Ligandrol in that respect is RAD 140, with a ratio of only 90 to 1. Crypto Rad 140: 20mg a day (you can build up to this, but that's usually rather pointless besides of course a compound like andarine) MK 2866: 15 to 20mg a day. Dosage is TBD depending on later blood work. I do a mix of HIIT/resistance/weight training 5-6 times a week. Fitness plan: Traditional 5-part split (chest, back, legs, shoulders, arms/etc. MK-2866 (Ostarine) MK-2866, commonly referred to as Ostarine or Enobosarm, has several potential benefits. Discussion of SARM sourcing and general SARM discussion. Im 20 years old, i been lifting for a while, i train hard and have a good base of muscle. because my dumbass spilled the bottle. I would not recommend using 2 sarms in a cycle but stacking it with a non-sarm like mk-677 or cardarine, or yk-11 if using a test base. Rad 140 with cardarine stack Doesn't really matter, but try to take it same time every day. And lastly, 6 lbs of lean mass + the fat loss in 3 months is significant growth. Lean Muscle Mass: Promotes lean muscle development with minimal water retention. Goal is to stay out around the 209-211 range by the end of the cycle Max out to 25mg/day with the Mk677. Additional for advanced users: MK 677. Sarmbolone This is a modified version of S-23. Today, Ostarine is commonly used by athletes for both bulking and cutting. I’ve been lifting for years now and have a solid base and diet. I had trouble falling asleep yesterday, because my heart rate was at like 96 and I could really feel it pumping. Blood test last day of 12 week cycle rad-140 & mk-2866, base enclo 12. They both use the same pathway to the androgen receptors. Bulking: Rad 140 shines when the goal is substantial muscle gains and increased strength. . Occasional nicotine. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. MK-2866 (Ostarine): The Versatile Performer Definitely, so if I understand this correctly ostarine is just more mellow than Rad 140. We recommend that you stay in the range of 10mg a day (cutting) up to 25mg a day (bulking). Mk2866 is used for muscle waisting diseases , i have upper back problems doing gym work out when i ran it i felt nothing till i came off but better off using a peptide and not a sarm. Post-cycle therapy (PCT): Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) if needed. Generally my clients have way less side effects from RAD than Ostarine if dosed properly. In one week I plan to up the dose of mk-2866 to 17 mg and cardarine to 7 mg. RAD 140 and Ostarine are two similar SARMs but also have significant differences. Week 6 day 5. 23 pound gain. My stuff weren’t fake and y need to remember each body reacts differently. I would say I’m reasonably knowledgeable about these compounds, but always learning more. Did 10mg ED for the first week then went up to 15 mg for the second week and currently been on 20mg for the past 2 weeks. The regeneration time is shortened, the muscles become fuller, the blood flow is very good, which results in strong pumps. Weeks 5-6: RAD 10mg ED / Enclo 6. Almost wanted to try rad but didn't wanna risk hair shedding and such. Currently in a deficit. "studies suggest " A low dose of aspirin is 81 mg per day. Lgd would be your best bet in my opinion. Was thinking of doing 10mg the first time around and seeing what results I get. Hello, im 23y old and took ostarine 20mg daily. Then finish off with the cardarine for a cut when your body is recouped. iw vn zo lb lb um bk qv fc av