Old reddit aita. But don’t put it on the shoulders of a 12 year old.

Not the A-hole. Throwaway because I have in-laws on Reddit. My in-laws have a tradition of giving the first-born son of every generation the same name. Despite their father being absent, the children have never viewed me as a parental figure which does not bother Otherwise-Cycle-2441. Credit: Reddit. My wife was very strict on the fact that no guest is allowed to wear white, which is understandable because for females that’s considered rude or bad luck at weddings i We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. She often avoids mirrors and pictures because her mood instantly drains when she sees herself. In the Northeast, $300k is a ton of money. ”. Also, I don't know a single 9 yr old child who would ask for lemon curd for their birthday cake. AITA for yelling at my daughter for hiding her pregnancy from me? Not the A-hole. When Amanda and I met She had two children from a previous relationship Chloe 17F and Marcus 15 M. I also laughed at this. The price of the gift was a little weird but depending on their financial status 300 could be very little to a whole lot so we would make that call. She and my dad actually met in a harry potter “IRC” (like Disord but for old people) in the early 00s got married had kids and from day one decided to embarrass us for life Referring to ppl by their translated name is an extension of this. My ex and I have a 13 year old daughter, “Nicole”. r/AmItheAsshole. OP do not let this kid slip through the cracks. Also, there will be a parent there 100% of the time. Throwaway. The child with autism can be acclimated to a caregiver with time and patience. Help keep the sub engaging! IcyTap6812. This is for helping with the dishes, clean up your room with help, and be tidy. The problem is with my sister Lisa [F30]. While me and my husband are childless and don’t want any kids of our own, we love to spend time with our nieces and nephews. Hopefully he learns a valuable lesson from this. However, I find when I arrive, Sasha expects my daughter to finish cleaning up whatever she was playing with. AITA for telling my 18 yo daughter to either sue for child support or get out of my house? My (40F) 18 yo daughter " Ava" dropped out of high school after getting pregnant by her then boyfriend, who is 19. Calling CPS or getting the school involved. And it doesn't need to be expensive to excite them either especially a large cake for a party. He gets an allowance every week. My fiance and I both had a discuss and both agreed that we don't want my nephew at our wedding which will be happening in 2 month. This happened a while ago and I’m still getting shit for it, so I think I know your answer, but maybe some explanation will help? So around 6 months ago, my fiancé (we AITA for punishing my 16-year-old step-daughter after we found out she was bullying a kid for being poor. Ava will be 19 soon, has no job and a 10 month old baby. There were financial problems along the way, but it became successful, and he became rich. There are many times a name doesn't have a good translation so the original name is used, it's not a huge huge deal. She loves me and I love her. AITA for not wanting my sister at my wedding since she is in a wheelchair and will take up all of the spotlight Not the A-hole My sister 26 has been on and off out of the hospital. Most of his family are decent people but his mom can be a little of a passive-aggressive and tends to criticize me a lot. AITA for calling my wife insecure and selfish on our wedding day. I will admit that this story made me angry and I feel bad for his daughters. Everyone Sucks. So I asked my brother if I can take her on a trip with me, to Disney, for a week. My partner (33m) and I (27f) are currently on a 1 week vacation in a house with: His brother (30m) Brothers pregnant wife (30f) Child (3m) Partner‘s mom (65f) Partner’s stepdad (66m) So I would like to start out with the family is all living in We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. All time doesn’t have to be everyone together now that they’re older. The reason why is because my nephew is out of control, he doesn't listen, can't sit still for even a minute and It is very old and out dated and my sister especially always talked about how much she hated the aesthetic of the house. It’s not a sentimental space for her. If the guy is pulling 6 figures then buying a relatively expensive gift for a girl he's known for years on a birthday that in many cultures is significant makes sense. Hoping she didn't get a stomachache. I guess coming to reddit and getting karma is more important than getting that child help. My aunt is Gen X, so she's not that old, but her methods with deciding who to choose sometimes shocked me. She lost her job over COVID and has felt to sad since then to look for a new one. AITA for charging an 8 year old rent? Asshole. Dinner at a restaurant is not one of those times. EDIT: Your edit cements it. AITA for 'stealing' from my 17 year old stepdaughter? Asshole. Three months ago, I, 28F, gave birth to my angel baby, whom I was going to name Siobhan. I (f21) as well as my 5 siblings (from 29 to 37 years old) have all been pranked on our birthdays and on Christmas and usually it’s one or two gifts. I’m not sure if Gary has ever worked but he doesn’t now From someone who lost her 15 yr old sister to a car accident this really tore me up way more than I thought it would. AITA for refusing to go to a child free wedding if my son can’t go : r/AmItheAsshole. AITA For telling my wife I hate her new job. She was the HR recruiter at her work. She has a boyfriend Gary (20m) who currently lives with his own parents. So $100 a month. And embarrassing for my sister. So I (16F) am named after my grandma Nancy, my mom's mom. AITA for leaving my 15 year old daughter on the bus? I (41 female) have a 15 year old daughter, let’s call her Beth, with my husband. Thank you all kind people of Reddit We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. She told me I failed as a husband. Don't forget she's probably expects op to do her hair for free cause family and cancer. My sister (28) is married and has two kids (5/3). AITA for laughing at how my friend used her inheritance? Asshole. The Northeast dominates the top 10 highest middle class salary ranges, with many middle class salaries between $60,000 to $170,000. He has 3 children from a previous marriage, Lucas (18m), Lily (16f) and Kayla (13f). Throw-This-Away33. But don’t put it on the shoulders of a 12 year old. Especially since buying anything at the airport is expensive as fuck. AITA for not lying to my DIL about my post partum weight loss? Not the A-hole. AITA for not telling my boyfriend I won money 15 years ago? Not the A-hole. Never know when you might need a favor from them. AITA for telling my 14-year-old daughter that she's average-looking? Asshole POO Mode. I just gave birth 4 days ago to a beautiful baby girl. They would still be allowed one on one time with their dad at any point. glimpseeowyn. My wife (37F) and I (38M) have been married for 12 years and have 3 kids (10, 8, & 6). Go to AmItheAsshole. How old is your son? Doesn't matter either way. For context, in highschool he used to bully me. AITA for saying “you should’ve thought about that before you procreated”? Not the A-hole. NTA. We sent out the wedding invites last month. When I walked inside, my husband was holding the dog in his arms, my MIL was holding my baby and they were putting them close together, saying "aww, you love the baby" or "aww you love the doggy, be easy with the doggy". My late grandpa started his farm whilst he was in his early 20s. AITA-Dad (OP) thinks daughter is too old for “daddy-daughter” dates. Most of the time Beth rides with us on the bus she refuses to sit next to us (in normal teenage fashion) and prefers to sit as r/AmItheAsshole, abbreviated as AITA, is a subreddit where users post about their real-world interpersonal conflicts and receive judgement from fellow redditors. Her boyfriend " Andrew" moved from Jacksonville FL to Miami for college. #6: AITA—Telling my parents to pay me back my college tuition if they want a relationship. Nothing crazy. I don’t know what I did wrong or if what I did is wrong and I need some advice. Just as you’re trying to stick up for the daughter and her grieving process the rest of the family should be respected for theirs and no one should say that they should behave better because this 25 year old who’s acting like a spoiled brat about a day doesn’t get how painful it is for everyone else. AITA for not wanting to invite my 9 year old nephew to my wedding. Hi reddit, about 2 months ago my wife (f38) and I (m41) learned my step-daughter(f16) was bullying a girl in school over being poor, getting free lunch at school and not being able to afford neccessties such as her own car and stuff. I’m confused why a 25-year-old needs a 28-year-old to be “parental” much. So we ran the story by our family and friends, it is a a 50/50 split. I worry for the daughter. Nicole has several medical conditions that require a lot of attention. My husband "Dylan" 30M and I are… Outrageous-Nose9675. Reply reply feuilletoniste573 Some background, my family likes to play pranks with Christmas and birthday gifts it’s nothing new. AITA for telling my friend her baby is the reason no one wants her around? Not the A-hole. TL;DR: I invited my friend to be a part of my wedding, she didn’t invite me to be a part of hers, I was upset, we had an awkward conversation about it, things Admittedly, the people bitching about your refusal now will also probably bring it up forever, but you might as well spare yourself the work if you're screwed either way. This is very Personal. Last May, we planned a weekend trip with the kids to a beach town about an hour away. I already think people use “childfree” too much when they just mean that they’re applying an age cut off, but it’s just condescending to apply an age cut off for adults and then sell that as “childfree. There's a bit of a tradition in my family to name the first grandkid of each gender after one of the grandparents of the same sex. It's more about hyping that old characters from the Percy Jacksonverse are coming back and reinterating the premise of the Trials of Apollo series. Myself (25F) and my fiancé (27M) have a 2 month old son. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. I noticed him immediately in the cereal isle and avoided it in hopes he would leave me alone. I recently went over to see them. You are correct in saying that she may not be called for an interview because of the difficulty reading her name. This includes my brother’s 11-year-old son Allan, 6-year-old daughter Ava, and my sister’s 10-year-old daughter Kelly. I have 4 children and I'm pretty easygoing, they don't have a lot of rules they have to abide by, it's simple, be respectful, do your chores, and for the 2 teenagers (15&16) be back before 10 pm. You can easily spend $50-$75 on a meal & drinks when you could’ve spent a similar amount for the lounge and gotten more perks. I 46 M have been married to my wife Amanda 41 F for 6 years. We all know he's going to have to step in and explain an aspect of cooking or intervene in an argument. My 20 year old daughter lives with me (m47). I (F17) still live at home. As my title suggests, my mom is a huge Harry Potter nut. On the weekends/ after work during the week primarily use public transportation. The acceptance letter sat on her vanity in her room for years after. OP knows that the kid is being neglected and could be the only adult that knows of this. 🥰. Girlfriend did not overreact. Reply reply. The subreddit allows users to solicit and express opinions about the appropriateness of the actions of people in specific scenarios – especially the actions of the person reporting ADMIN MOD. My brother (21M) and his girlfriend (19F) still live with our parents as they can't afford a place of their own. katt518. My 15 year old son came to my husband and I last week, telling us that his girlfriend is 7 months pregnant. From an old lady who has learned over the years to keep her nose out of everybody’s business I can officially tell you that YANTA! If nothing else she should have learned by now to befriend the nice guy who can do a little backyard maintenance on their own vehicle. I decided to post this with the help of my husband (who is unsure if my behavior was over the line). The teacher, Sasha, is very nice. My fiance has expressed that she wants a child-free wedding, which I am all down for but I want to make one expectation, my son ADMIN MOD. Dec 8, 2020 · Pay up. I (F28) have a great relationship with my niece Ava (F9). AITA for refusing to start using my first name despite pleas from my family? Not the A-hole. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. AITA for refusing to pay for SIL and cancelling the vacation? Not the A-hole. Hello, I (20 m) had recently ran into an old classsmate at the store. 12 year old is getting some life skills he's more than old enough to learn and will hopefully gain some respect and appreciation for his mother. My late grandma who died last year grew up in the average working class home. My daughter was screaming and the dog had whale eyes, trying to kick out of my husband's arms to get to the baby while throat I (f, 28) have been with my husband "Shaun" (m, 33) for 2 years, Married for 5 months. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I was the first girl. As someone who became a mother very young, i am devastated and so deeply disappointed. Throwaway because. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. While I do not dislike children, I don't want children of my own, and I made this very Top-Context3526. They’re not allowed to swim while we aren’t home. For all we know SIL would not have been comfortable with the idea of raising her brother’s step-granddaughter. One of my (F24) friends, Anna (F24) had a baby around 6 months back. Maybe some general advice, I guess, but at that age I felt I had things in decent enough hand. I used to get along really well with Jen and told everyone she was like a daughter to me. The only reason his wife would know the LGBT themes is if she'd read the book or researched it, I've read the back cover on Goodreads and it doesn't even allude to LGBT. My 16 year old son came home at 11 last night when the house was already ADMIN MOD. I (28m) and my wife (26f) got married last Wednesday and the ceremony was amazing. During the pandemic, my wife's job allowed her to switch to 100% WFH. ADMIN MOD. Here's what he thought was important for the sake of the story: - My friend of about 17 years (Delilah, 37f) had a very problematic childhood. AITA for refusing to have a fully child-free wedding? Asshole. First and foremost thanks, secondly I just noticed I put overrated instead of overreacted. This wouldn't be a problem except she doesn't visit for an evening. AITA for yelling at my mom that I hate Harry Potter and to LET ME LIVE MY OWN LIFE. Or set up a caregiver for the 4 year old. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. To say “no you need to provide all care for a 4 year old!” is unfair to her and it’s abdicating parental responsibility. I am normally all for my daughter cleaning her own messes. I (27M) live alone. I don't have a super affectionate relationship with Lisa for multiple reasons that I can't fit into this post. Throwaway because my husband has access to my main. Of course a couple that has been together for close to two decades, have children, share finances and own property together are different from people in their twenties who have yet to make a commitment to each other. AITA for "losing" my passport to avoid babysitting on my vacation? Not the A-hole. All of us used to hang out a lot before the baby was born. So i recently proposed to my long-term girlfriend, and we are planning for a wedding in summer next year, everything is still very early stages. Fuzzy_Future_2642. Nov 20, 2023 · When we came back, it was apparent the pool had been used. AITA for refusing to let my stepdaughter live with us. Meanwhile, that same middle class bracket falls between about $35,000 to $100,000 in many Southern states. If MIL had the audacity to go right to the 17 year old she may not have included SIL in the plan to begin with. The daughter was not single out but it is totally on the teacher for not respecting her wish to not be called by the Spanish equivalent. Exactly. This Christmas though, I was the only person to get all joke gifts. I was often a victim of verbal abuse through him and his friends. She was killed a month after her 15th birthday & had just been accepted to a private high school with a full ride scholarship she had been trying for. They never required her to go back to the office because her productivity actually increased so there was no need. She will come for a week. •. 51f, my son is 29 and he and his fiancé "Jen" have a 6 week old daughter "Lily" (she also has a 7yo son that is not mg sons child but I still consider him my grandbaby). He lit into me saying he’s a veteran, he knows about ‘them lazy people’. AITA for making my oldest pay back a 3,000 dollar dress she ruined. He doesn't follow this subreddit. I don't know if I'm thinking clearly. However, I want to charge the boy $20 a month for living expenses. I didn’t want to post this on my real account because I’d like to be as anonymous as possible. She will need some sort of in home assistance for the rest of her life. ETA: most lounges are ~$50-$75 for a day pass. OP is TA for not doing something about it last year. My boyfriend (35m) and I (35f) were discussing finances as we wanted to be on My 2 year old daughter has been in a home daycare for a few months now. Whenever she comes over to visit my parents and her stick me with the kids. I 24 female, my niece 5 female, and my sister-in-law Megan 25 female Yesterday was my niece's birthday, my niece is my sister-in-law's first born, and my sister in law in currently Pregnant with her fourth child. Someone identified me so unfortunately I have to take down the dog tax. Also, the "normal" range of speech is absolutely huge at age 3, so while obviously it's a good idea to consult a speech therapist to guide your decisions and any need for intervention, it's not the case that a 3 year old who doesn't speak much necessarily has a disorder. So my BIL said this would be a funny story for AITA, he frequents the sub. 11K votes, 2K comments. AITA. ADMIN. I (28f) have been married to my husband, (42m) for 2 years, together for 4. This woman’s parents paid for all of her three brothers’ college expenses I worked part-time for my husband's aunt. I don’t get why people on reddit have to take one statement and forgo any kind of common sense. . Lisa has a 2 year old son with her husband. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Old bastard walking out says while still in her earshot, “They should have her scrubbing the toilets instead of handling the food, you’re crazy for leaving that tip. My son, 27 and his wife, the same age had a baby 4 months ago. AITA for not allowing my sister to use my farm as her wedding venue? Not the A-hole. AITA For Texting An Old Friend to Clear the Air Before a Big Event Some of you may remember me from a thread I posted here a while back about being upset over not being a bridesmaid. She has no issue staying with me for days on end. They seemed a bit tense, but what new parents aren't? So anyway, my DIL asked me how long it took to lose my weight and to get back to " normal". AITA For leaving my son outside on Christmas Eve night? Asshole. AITA for what I (24m) said to my sister (27f) about minding her business? Not the A-hole. The sole reason she wants to host it here is because my house has the most space. I told him he’s a disgusting racist old bastard. We are overjoyed at being parents, but most of my in-laws are refusing to even see our baby because of a decision we made concerning his name. MOD. Our friendgroup is otherwise childless. “As the youngest divulged, “Mommy I was in my room coloring, I never went ADMIN MOD. AITA for saying our vacation doesn’t revolve around a 3 year old. They’ve been together for about a year, but we always thought it was a kids thing, nothing harmless. Two weeks old, apparently and the cake had lemon curd. I (F39) have a very insecure daughter (F14) who has a depressingly unhealthy obsession with her looks. I really don’t think I’m the AH but hear me out. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) I went to my estranged mum's engagement party and confronted her, ruining the party (2) She had abandoned me as a child and moved on with her new family. Please help. Yes! Calling the wedding “childfree” when you’re excluding adults is so much more insulting too. His allowance is $25. Bethany and I are white while my husband and Maria are Mexican descent They have been in each other lives since they were 6 and 7 and overall the relationship is good until She needs to have fun and have a life as well. So reddit was I the AITA? Sorry forgot to add our kid is 19 months old. Our wedding ceremony starts at 1:30pm and we asked our guests to please arrive at the venue by 1:00. This woman’s parents paid for all of her three brothers’ college expenses ADMIN MOD. His gf is currently pregnant with him in 4 months. There are times for this behaviour. Still NTA, but it struck me a little odd and makes me wonder if there are other imbalances between the two that are leading younger sis to be so snippy. A 27 year old is more than capable of spending time by herself on holiday, millions of people do it all the time, and it would probably be good for her. My oldest ( Bethany 16) has a step sibling ( Maria 14 almost 15). bs ju cs zo qd og ts dp wh nb