Why is my dog calm around me but not my husband. Jan 3, 2022 · Dog Growls at Husband: How to Stop.

Separation anxiety. May 26, 2023 · Step one. Your dog may nibble on you with their front teeth to invite play, to convey a need, or to attract your attention. We know that the women’s voice is calm and sweet, while men have a deeper and louder voice. usually a sign they’re overtired so pop them somewhere safe like a crate or playpen with a chew. If she immediately goes back to jumping all over guest, repeat the “Too bad!”. If your dog is barking at you but not your husband, it may be trying to tell you something, such as the need to go out to the toilet, especially if it’s usually you that takes them out. A dog may also growl in situations that trigger fears, such as during thunderstorms or fireworks displays. You may also see how your cat will take their naps near the furnace. In the case of aggression the two behaviors are: 1) wanting the food and 2) wanting space. I do everything for her and my husband does not. Empty calorie-sugars can make your dog hyperactive at night. Smooth brow and no May 25, 2021 · Anxiety. Your dog is trying to communicate with you: Dogs bark to communicate with their owners. Situation #1: Your hubby’s holding your dog’s leash. When a pet parent yells, commands, and/or gets physical with their dog when a guest arrives, it makes their pup think “YES! You’re in on the party! Let’s go wild!”. And you’ll need to reinforce that calmness in them quickly. Maybe you two train the dog differently or tolerate different behaviours, maybe the dog is used to seeing you around and your wife has more novelty, maybe the dog just has a Your dog barks at certain people because they: like them, had bad experiences, lack socialization, are encouraged to do so, or have territorial or age-related issues. Mar 10, 2023 · Your dog listens to your husband more because he is the one that did all the training, is constantly working with the dog, taking the time to feed him and take him on a walk, and is showing more affection. Check the inside of your dog's mouth (if you feel safe doing so) to see if a foreign object may be causing the aggression. It might be a daunting prospect if the dog is feeling snappy Mar 2, 2023 · Below are likely reasons why your dog listens to your husband and not you and what would make them more likely. Anxious Behaviors: Watch for signs like whining, barking, or destructive behavior when you’re not around. I save the hard, aggressive “NOOO!!” for something truly bad or dangerous. Direct eye contact can be intimidating or threatening to a dog. You’ll likely be able to solve the problem over time (and with training and desensitization), because the dog hasn’t felt that he needs to escalate. Another possible reason for dog growling is when your dog is frustrated because of not getting what they want. If your dog simply growls or barks at one family member, the answer is probably yes. Otherwise, they’ll keep being excited when you come home. Jan 3, 2022 · Dog Growls at Husband: How to Stop. To stop your dog from growling at your husband, teaching the ‘settle’ command can be very helpful: Start by choosing a quiet, comfortable spot for your dog to settle. By the time you give your dog a treat, without the click first, your dog may be wound up again and think that he is being rewarded for his crazy behavior. Outside, another canine is present, and they excite your pooch. You just have to start working more with your dog and create opportunities to Apr 2, 2023 · My client was stunned: she couldn’t believe how instantly my commands were followed, but also how the dog still wagged his tail and pushed his head into my hand so I could pet him and praise him. They're asking for food or information. Oct 31, 2020 · Imprint here means anytime your dog tries to connect with you in a way of you being a provider and the dog being the best companion ever (which is basically what your dog wants). The panic may be so overwhelming that when you leave, your dog becomes destructive, salivates, paces, barks incessantly, and/or has accidents in the house. 3: Socialization. He then tried not playing any exciting games, and that helped a bit. However, when my husband is in the picture, my dog becomes anxious, scared, and even aggressive Apr 17, 2024 · Place several dog bowls around a large room. If you’ve noticed that your furry friend is calm and relaxed around you but becomes anxious or excitable in the presence of others, you’re not alone. This can be due to several factors, such as past negative experiences, physical pain, or fear of the person petting them. This type of growl may be characterized by wanting to get near their object of desire, anxiously running about, and sometimes even snarling as they growl. From a crouched position, toss out a treat, one at a time. Make sure your boyfriend does not stick his fingers in your dog's face or do anything that puts them at risk of being bit. They also bark and nudge your husband. Once he has given up on you and laid himself down, head on his paws, place a treat next to his face and go back to your book. This is misinformed. As the dog becomes calmer around your stranger, your assistant can place a treat near them or even provide the treat by hand, as long as the dog continues to be calm. Females often take care of dogs at home. If your husband is the one that feeds and exercises your dog, it would be very likely that your dog listens to him because your dog wants food or exercise. To stop your dog’s jealous behavior early, you can try the following tips: Record examples that cause jealousy or aggression in Feb 7, 2024 · What Stress Growling Means. If you’re not looking closely, it’s tricky to distinguish between play aggression or rough play and aggressive behavior in cats. Sep 1, 2022 · There are a number of reasons why your dog may prefer your husband over you. A dog’s anxiety can take many forms and may include Jul 24, 2011 · Dogs are equipped with sensitive ears and are extraordinarily capable of detecting such tones. If it seems like your dog is afraid of your husband throughout the When he comes home I teach my husband what I've done and let him practice with the dog. If the dog continues to show discomfort: Return to Step 2. Jun 15, 2023 · Look for swelling, cuts, torn paw pads, insect stings, or tender spots. Dogs often choose the person they feel safest with or have reinforced the behavior as rewarding, which can vary between individuals. Mar 30, 2021 · Do your dog a favor and shut the blinds so they can’t see them approach. 2: Past Experiences. Since the canines are pack animals, they need a pack leader or often referred to as “Alpha. On the other hand, when being around your husband, they could be walking on eggshells. When a dog ‘acts out,’ people assume it’s a behavior or training issue, but it could be a health-related one. Now that your dog is calm, they get the wonderful reward of saying hello to your guest! 3. Contrary to popular Feb 12, 2023 · 1. In any case, it is important for the wife to remain calm and Why Is My Dog Calm Around Me But Not My Husband | Master the Art of Dog Training Our Review for 2023. It has been observed that playing different kinds of music and sounds affects dogs in different ways. Don’t hesitate to also check out: 9 Reasons Why Your Dog Is So Restless At Night + 9 Tips #2: Dog acting crazy after neutering. It’s important to pay attention to your dog’s body language and Sep 21, 2021 · 2) Stress, Worry, and Anxiety. If the dog starts acting hyper, aggressive, or over excited again, withdraw treats and attention and ignore the dog. Your furry pal loves you and can sense aggressiveness towards you. Place a mat, blanket or a towel on the floor so the dog has somewhere comfortable to lie down. Anything that looks out of the ordinary could be hurting your dog and causing aggression. Jan 27, 2021 · It may just be a habit for your dog to like to bite and nip at everything, so try showing them what they should be playing with. Not only is your bed nice and warm with all the covers and blankets it has, but so are May 30, 2024 · Restlessness. Off the top of my head, I can think of nine different reasons why a dog might jump up on their owners. 5. Comfort and Security: Your scent could evoke feelings of safety. Sep 25, 2020 · Exercise Your Dog. Throw out treats, decreasing the distance for a safe interaction. Building a strong bond between your husband and the dog can decrease barking. I'm firmer, keep my commands short and quickly remove myself when he gets too excited while playing. Train regularly: keep obedience sessions short and productive (no more than fifteen minutes – maybe two or three of these per day). Alternatively, it could be that your husband provides more consistent leadership and structure for your dog, making him feel safe and Nov 1, 2023 · By consulting a qualified dog behaviorist or trainer when necessary keywords like “challenging behaviors,” “professional help,” “behavioral issue,” “aggression,” “anxiety,” “fearfulness”, etc. Generally men are harder on the dogs and more strict, and women are generally more cuddly, loving, gentle. This is because dogs have a lot of buildup energy in their system. Dogs have their own individual relationships with different people and animals, it could be due to a lot of factors. Reason 3: Loyalty and Dependence. If she avoids your husband when he’s wearing a hat, for example, have him take the hat off when he’s around her. Some cats are simply one-person cats. Encourage your dog to lie down in that spot and say ‘settle’ in a calm voice. Jealousy towards your husband can trigger barking. They’re Playing. My parents are more relaxed, more permissive, with them nothing is a hard no. May 31, 2024 · Why Does My Dog Follow Me and Not My Husband? It’s not uncommon for dogs to show a preference for one family member over another. Begin practicing the sit command in a quiet, calm place. Or better still, keep your dog in a separate room to avoid any potentially dangerous interactions. Don’t forget to praise him when he’s sitting near you without licking you, too! 5. Your Dog Sees Your Husband As Its Pack Leader. Don’t stand over a dog. stand still and swap for a chew toy, keep one on your pocket always. This is especially true if the cats were raised Oct 14, 2023 · Teach the dog to use a scratch pad, use desensitization methods if you need to use nail clippers or grinders. Resource guarding can lead to aggressive behavior towards your husband. Jul 3, 2019 · The answer to this question depends on a number of factors. I think that is silly. I don't know if it's necessarily the pitch of one's voice, more likely from what I've noticed about dogs, the attitude. Your Dog May Have Separation Anxiety. The first reason as to why your cat is sleeping with you is warmth. Your dog considers you as his valuable resource, and he wants to safeguard it. Nov 5, 2021 · There are many reasons your dog follows you and not your husband or someone else from the family. Reward calm and positive behavior with treats and praise. 1. Medical conditions. This factor is a major reason why some dogs exhibit such behavior. It could be that your dog perceives your husband as being more alpha than you, and thus feels more comfortable following his lead. Oct 29, 2014 · To reduce any anxiety your dog may have around your husband, try to identify triggers that cause her to act anxious or upset. ”. For this, your dog can calm down if they’re with someone. There are several factors at play that influence your dog’s temperament in different social settings. Senses hostility. Even a dog that has escalated just once, in a Here are some reasons why your scent might be more appealing to your dog: Personal Bonding: Your unique smell might be linked to a stronger emotional bond. If you are both relaxed and happy-go-lucky then you might be naturally closer, with your dog favoring you over a partner who may be more of an anxious worrier. Approach dogs at their level. Mar 20, 2023 · id assume that your husband doesn’t respond in a way the puppy founds exciting or puppy feels more confident in playing with you. George, my 9 year old German Shepherd Dog/Border Collie mix, will make a huge fuss when my wife comes home. Fear-based, possessive and redirected aggressions are discussed in other handouts in this series. To understand your dog’s behavior better, here are 10. Let your dog come up and do the sniffing and make sure your partner stays calm. Stay Calm. A typical redirection is to teach your dog to sit. Use a firm “NO” to stop my dog from jumping on me. Growling, snapping, and reactionary actions can indicate pain and discomfort. But if she is home and I come in, he'll trot over to me, sniff and lick my hand, and then be on his merry way. I’ve observed that when I’m around, my furry friend is calm, relaxed, and seems to trust me completely. Most dogs don’t want to attack or If a gate doesn’t work in your space, put your dog on leash before guests arrive and keep them close to you. A dog is nervous, anxious or jealous. So my partner and I recently adopted a 2 year old rescue dog. They went from being wolves living in packs to dogs living in packs with humans. Jun 24, 2024 · Don’t touch them. If your husband has a consistent routine with the dog, providing Mar 3, 2020 · Fear. It can be your husband or a friend dog-sitting for you. When dogs are anxious, their minds and bodies are flooded with hormones due to the fight and flight response. The person might be sick, rude to you, behaving or wearing something unusual, doing things they hate or reminding them of trauma. Not being bonded by restrictions. Also, check your dog’s food label. This is especially true if the behavior seems obsessive or anxious. com Poor socialization skills make dogs fearful and shy. Jun 28, 2024 · 5. The most common ones include: perceiving you as the parent, leader, or having strong positive associations with you, breed characteristics, velcro dog syndrome, separation anxiety, or instinct. If you play rough with your pet, make sure to use this next method to prevent them from going overboard during playtime. If you are dealing with the aggression of any type with your Chihuahua leave a comment below. Why is my dog calm around me but not my husband? 1: Familiarity. One of the most effective ways of dealing with your dog’s aggressive nature is taking it out for exercise. Lifting them and throwing them up in the air. Mar 7, 2017 · You’ll need some free time, a leash, some treats, and a good book. Dec 21, 2023 · If your husband consistently displays calm and confident behavior around the dog, while also providing plenty of positive reinforcement, the dog may feel more comfortable and secure in his presence. Sep 12, 2013 · These small yet simple things generally have a lot do with how your dog sees you in the pack structure. In this case, it would help to try being the one to give it food and exercise Feb 5, 2023 · This behavior can be confusing and frustrating, but it is important to understand the reasons behind it. Jan 29, 2023 · Bella has gone from following me everywhere to being very distant. Apr 5, 2024 · 4. I know some trainers will tell you never to tell a dog or puppy “no. Additionally, some breeds are more prone to aggression than others. Reward them by throwing treats on the mat instead of giving them from your hand to help build a strong association that the I’ve always wondered why my dog behaves differently around me compared to my husband. If your dog has acid reflux, an antacid like Prilosec (omeprazole) can be given at 1 mg/kg once to twice a day. It can also be another dog. Step 4: Monitor and Reward. At night, one of the reasons they will sleep with you is warmth. Mar 14, 2024 · Try to ignore your dog completely if they start licking, and silently move away. If your dog typically growls at strangers, specific people, such as children or men, or when the dog is in an unfamiliar place, the growls are most likely due to fear. And they are: A dog is excited. Sudden changes in a pup’s home environment or routine can also trigger aggressive behavior. My dog listens to me mostly because I'm the one that feeds him, comforts him, exercises him, and trains him. Jun 27, 2023 · One of the most common reasons why dogs open and close their mouths when being petted is that they are experiencing stress or discomfort. Just put your dog on the leash, sit in a chair with your book, and read while you wait for him to relax. They are highly attuned to human body language and facial expressions, picking up on subtle cues that indicate how your husband feels around them. Humans and dogs have a mutually beneficial relationship Mar 10, 2024 · Understanding your dog’s behavior is crucial for fostering a harmonious relationship. If he even thinks he hears her car coming, he will start barking, whining, and making lots of other noises until she comes in. Some of the most common reasons why your dog follows you and not your husband include: perceiving you as their parent, leader, or having stronger positive associations with you. Mar 16, 2023 · Here are some of the possible reasons why your cat might attack you: 1. Another possibility is that your husband has been aggressive or hostile towards the dog. When Zingo is overly stimulated he starts biting and jumping. If your dog is aggressive towards your husband, it can be because they’re not well socialized with males. If your rescue dog is afraid of your husband when they correct the dog’s bad behavior, it could simply mean they are fearful of your husband’s training style. Because of this negative experience with them, your pooch might want to “save” you. It’s something that has puzzled me for a while now. Perhaps the greatest worry is separation anxiety. May 21, 2023 · Step 1 – Don’t reward your dog’s jumping up behaviour. And keep you away from your husband. Changes in routine, such as staying out late or changes to feeding schedules, can also unsettling. Establishing clear leadership and hierarchy can make your dog feel more Feb 10, 2021 · Reasons A Dog Could Follow You and Not Your Husband. I use “no” or “uh-uh” to let my dog know that his current behavior is not appropriate. Do not get close enough to evoke an aggressive response; just let your dog see that you are offering a valuable alternative. In many cases, whether we realize it or not, aggression can be caused by fear or anxiety. Apr 26, 2023 · The wife may feel like the dog is not listening to her because he is not following commands or behaving as she wants him to. Many dogs are clingy, and separation anxiety is more common in small breeds of dogs such as pugs and chihuahuas. In this situation, he will only listen to these sets of people who he deems to be high-status humans in the pack. This makes him perceive your husband as a threat to his possessions and fear that he will lose you. #3: Encourage calm behavior in your dog. , you are taking proactive steps towards resolving any problems effectively while ensuring the well-being and happiness of your Nov 26, 2023 · Q: How does my dog perceive my husband, and why does it affect their behavior? A: Dogs perceive their environment based on past experiences, socialization, and interactions. Sep 16, 2021 · Conflicted is a term used to describe two behaviors that contradict each other. This could be for several reasons – perhaps the dog was never properly trained, or maybe he is just acting out because he knows he can get away with it. As I said, after ignoring your dog and keeping calm, they’ll back down. Ignore bad behavior. Step 5: Consistent Training and Socialization. It might not be on purpose, but your husband could be agitating your dog through rough play. Jealousy is a strong emotion that can cause dogs to become possessive and that naturally drives them to guard their territory and protect their resources. Whereas, you’re given less of the listening action. Usually she sleeps with me anmy husband but now it’s hard to get her to come into the bed room. Feb 23, 2023 · 1. Some aggressive dogs may be ill and suffering from an anxiety However, it may also be one of the reasons why your pet is always following you instead of your husband or anyone else. Your dog will soon realize that licking causes you to ignore him and leave the room, and he’ll quickly stop. When you return home, your pup's greetings are often frantic. Perhaps she’d been worried that by being too strict she’d lose the sense of love and fun with her pet, but now she could see that he was both Feb 13, 2024 · 1 Play Classical Music. Their purpose is to tell others to back off before the dog is forced to take further action. So they’ll feel more comfortable cuddling next to you than with your husband. Take an example, we have all heard of baby ducks who immediately after birth tend to try and follow the first human they see if their mum is not around and tries to Mar 14, 2022 · Eight reasons that dogs jump on people. Here are a couple of reasons why your dog follows you more: 1. Factors that Contribute to a Dog’s Behavior. Your dog will not be comfortable around your husband if he shouts and beats the dog. However, the leash prevents them from approaching their friend. I also, have my husband be the one to take care of him when he comes home. However, this doesn’t mean that your dog doesn’t like you. Dec 27, 2023 · Sometimes, a dog’s tendency to follow their owner can be a sign of separation anxiety. hammy-hams. This behavior can be attributed to a dog’s natural instinct of wanting to stay close to its pack leader. Step 3 – If your dog is frustrated, divert their attention. Seek vet treatment, use natural and holistic methods, use massage. Step 4 – Keep them on a lead and make them wait to greet people. Bella would rather be around my husband now than around me. In any case, consider what your dog may be trying to “say” to you. Jun 24, 2024 · One possible reason for your dog’s preference for playfully biting you over your husband could be due to the level of interaction and attention you give your dog. There can sometimes be a fine line between rough play and aggressive behavior in cats. What sets off your German Shepherd’s aggression determines the help you can give them. Nov 18, 2021 · If your dog is generally up for a pet or a hug, pay attention if they start growling or snapping when you get too close. However, it To make your dog calm down during nighttime, schedule their feeding time hours before they sleep. May 22, 2023 · This includes a dog being afraid, showing possessiveness, testing limits, being in pain, aging or having an underlying medical condition. A dog is trying to dominate. Repeat this time-out sequence until she is able to exit the room calmly. Oct 8, 2017 · Increase reward. This selective attachment can stem from various factors that influence the dog’s bonding process. It’s estimated that between fourteen and twenty percent of dogs suffer from separation anxiety. My dog is very much the same when my husband is home. A dog is bored. However, not all mouth movements in dogs have negative connotations. Routine and familiarity: Dogs are creatures of habit and they thrive on routine. The most common causes include conflict aggression, fear-based or defensive aggression, possessive aggression, food guarding aggression and redirected aggression. Symptoms can be panting, pacing, hypersalivation and regurgitation. Loud noises, such as storms and fireworks, are a common stress trigger for dogs. Jun 28, 2021 · Frustration. Crouch down or sit on the floor. Treat the dog at intervals, and after a few Here’s why: When your dog is being rowdy, it’s so much easier to click a second of calm, followed in a few seconds by a treat, than to catch your dog’s moment of quiet without a clicker. Communication. Jan 17, 2022 · A redirecting behavior is an action that distracts them from jumping and redirects their excited energy to another behavior. “Generally” we hear females saying “He listens to my husband better than he does me” much more than we hear males say this. Your dog may want to sleep with you rather than your husband because you share similar personalities. Step 2 – Everyone your dog meets can help them stop jumping up. Relaxed ears and mouth. Other reasons could be connected to the breed characteristics, separation anxiety, velcro dog syndrome, or instinct. When calling her to come, she peeps to make sure I’m not approaching. Reward the dog whenever they investigate or go near the mat. There are multiple reasons that a dog may exhibit aggression toward family members. Positive experiences Aug 26, 2020 · Warmth. These could be indicators of separation anxiety. This is especially true in the colder seasons. When your dog next jumps up at you, turn your back and completely ignore them. So watch out for these signs of a calm dog: Lolling tongue. Wait for 30 seconds (no longer), and then release the hound. Are you ready to become a master at training your pet? Whether you’re a brand-new proprietor or intend to improve your abilities, this short article will direct you with the art of training your furry close friend. Jun 15, 2023 · Separation anxiety is a disorder that causes dogs to panic at the idea of being left home alone. Dogs are known for their loyalty and dependence on their owners, which is why they often follow them around the house. This could be due to something as simple as the tone in your husband’s voice, as your pup may not be used to this. Exercising your dog is an excellent way to burn this energy, thereby making it feel fatigued and have an easier time sleeping. Your dog might have separation anxiety, and they feel panicky whenever they see you leave. By rewarding this new behavior, your dog sees that this behavior earns food and affection while jumping does not. Apr 2, 2024 · 1. As a result, some dogs are more likely to respond to a man. 3. Look at the floor or to the side. If he realizes that your husband is hostile towards you, he is likely to take sides. Put bland food in one bowl. Aug 5, 2019 · Taking a dog to a training class that relies on reward based training so the dog has a great time learning can build a wonderful bond between dog and handler. Emotional Connection Feb 27, 2023 · This is dangerous, and you need a professional. You are holding something of interest. Reward your dog with treats and praise for staying in Aug 6, 2017 · Dog calm with me but restless/hyper with Partner. She will pee just fine, but then will wander around (leashed) sniffing things and trying to eat leaves and grass and will not poop no matter how much I try to encourage it. Some of these symptoms may be the result of occasional anxiety-causing events, but any of these can become recurrent and therefore, result in more Separation anxiety is a mental state in which your dogs get stressed when you’re not around. Read on for the training steps! 2. 1: Personality. Allow the dog to go over to the blanket and investigate. Puppies may also misbehave when they feel some level of anxiety going on. One of the biggest reasons that humans bred dogs was for companionship. So, your pooch bites and tugs the leash. Shouting or getting too exaggerated with their actions. Traits like being strong willed, confident and always calm in hostile situations will make dogs see humans as alpha’s of their pack. I understand that this is only a temporary solution, and other measures will need to be put in place to deal with the issue effectively. Let your dog approach your partner when they want to, don't force it. Don’t look at them. Unfortunately they enrolled Dawn in a training class that used outdated punitive methods of training. Stress growls are a warning signal. Trouble getting settled as night may be due to nighttime esophageal reflux. I usually try to teach something new each time he goes away. A dog is a puppy. I've even tried walking her around the yard a few times . The more tired he gets the more he jumps and nips and starts even to bite himself. They also have an innate need for companionship and security that comes from being Canine restlessness to due reflux or ulcers. Territorial. See my series on how to train your dog with kindness, but firmness. You may feel that pushing the dog past its comfort zone is what is going to help it. In fact, fear and anxiety are the most common reasons I get called for aggression-related cases, and many of these dogs have reacted aggressively at least once in their lifetime. Personality match. handy chew togs. Because dogs cannot speak with their humans, they must rely on other methods of communication. Dec 5, 2023 · Attention-seeking behavior may cause your dog to bark at your husband. Award. 7. Caregiving Rituals: You may be the primary provider of meals, treats, or play. For this reason it is easy to see why your dog might follow you everywhere. Jun 13, 2020 · Dogs were first domesticated at least 15,000 years ago (1). Monitor the dog’s response to these interactions. If you are the primary caregiver and spend more time playing and bonding with your dog, they Oct 14, 2019 · There is a motivation behind every behavior. Playing music may be the easiest way to calm down a dog. Oct 3, 2012 · Actually it mostly happens after my husband and Zingo have been out. Check out also: 15 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Extra Cuddly (All Of A Sudden) #10: Your scent makes them happy Apr 9, 2024 · So, Why Does My Dog Sleep On Me & Not My Husband? Your dog might sleep on you instead of your husband due to a stronger emotional bond, comfort with your scent or warmth, or a preference for your sleeping habits. Dogs often engage in play biting as a way to communicate and interact with their owners. Give them a toy and encourage them to use it whenever they start going for you. While your dog eats, add a more desirable food to another bowl that is at a distance. 2. See full list on agawamdogpark. It can also lead to aggression because they’re unfamiliar with the surroundings or other people. They perceive the female voice as less firm when compared to a man’s. Jan 1, 2024 · Gradually increase the time your husband spends close to the dog. Not many know this, but there are also other types of responses going on, such as the freeze or fool-around response. They pick one person that they love, and then they stick with them for the foreseeable future. He's got short legs so figure part daschund/Bassett perhaps (and he LOVES to smell everything), and then some kind of terrier for sure. Perhaps not out of pleasure, but a bit out of intimidation. On the weekends I take over as much as possible, but over the past several months the dog has stopped pooping for me. We're not totally sure what he is; he's a mutt through and through. Repetitive or compulsive behaviors. hm nj sw ro kz eg ra vd xb al