Apwu line h settlements

On May 12, 2017, the Postal Service and the Maintenance Division of the APWU signed an agreement resolving a national level dispute in case number Q15T-4Q-C 17274095. Feb 4, 2016 · The Interpretive issue In this dispute, as referred from local grievance K1 0C-4K-C 12375170 / APWU # 12Q1 EHCA75, is whether the MOU R~: Clerk Craft Jobs, Section 2. 1 week as a custodian. In response, on July 11, the Postal Service issued a moratorium on "all grievances, disciplinary actions, and arbitration hearings at the National, Regional and Local levels" within the extension period. listed on Line H of the PS Form 4852 was not met. American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO - Mail Equipment Shops Employees American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO - Material Distribution Centers Employees USPS Handbooks and Manuals. Custodial Staffing. This significant Q&A reiterates in clear language the obligation of the Postal Service and the right of the union in determining compliance with item 6 of the MS-47 T/L-5 resolution. 2 provides that either party can refer a case to the regular regional Arbitration panel provided that party notify the other party of the referral at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time for the expedited hearing. Recently, the parties met to discuss the above-captioned grievance at Step 4 of the grievance/ arbitration In full and final settlement of all disputes on these issues it is agreed that: 1. When it comes to final settlement, nobody is as relaxed and flexible as H&H Settlement Services. PSEs will receive an additional forty cents per hour raise as follows: $. Sep 2, 2020 · Created Date: 9/2/2020 3:42:37 PM The 2015 National Agreement between the Postal Service and APWU expired on September 20, 2018. The issue in the case is “the determination of Document Type: Regular Arbitration. GATS Number: 16130532. The APWU and USPS signed two important Step 4 settlements recently, Industrial Relations Director Tony D. Time to cheat, steal, mislead and hide work hours in the reports. Arbitrator Name: Lamont Stallworth. The Postal Service was required to provide 800 additional jobs, of which 362 had yet to be created and posted. Nov 17, 2023 · Non-career APWU-represented employees will receive an additional 1 percent, or a 2. 4. Jun 2, 2021 · AMERICAN POSTAL WORKERS UNION, AFL-CIO The following Memoranda of Understanding between the United States Postal Service and the American Postal Workers Union have been extended through August 6, 2021. Example; If someone was there only 2 hours a day, They are entitled to 5 hrs of time and a half Line H pay for bypassed cleaning because management failed to meet the staffing for the branch if it was 1 full time custodian for that facility. National level settlements require the Postal Service to complete all work hours as listed on Line J of the current authorized and approved staffing package for the specific facility Staffed. On August 1, 2023, Arbitrator Daniel F. The first dispute evolved when the Jul 9, 2014 · 05/19/2017 - The Postal Service and the Maintenance Division of the APWU signed an agreement resolving a national level dispute regarding custodial hours on line H of Form 4852 (case number Q15T-4Q-C 17274095). Interest Arbitration. This page contains many USPS handbooks in PDF format. § 1207(b), the parties were unable to agree on terms for a new National Agreement. If the number is 1 or more, the installation will be POStPlan Award Implementation. Jul 18, 2023 · Postal Support Employee (PSE) Compliment. The Clerk Craft reached a $67 million dollar settlement with the USPS on the Jobs MOU violation. Clerks occupy more than 170 different position descriptions and can be found performing work at retail windows, mail processing . $. The enforcement of the ‘Line H’ criteria, which benefits all of the APWU, does require effort on everyone’s part, including the custodial members that directly benefit the most. GATS Number: Q10C-4Q-C 14317802. May 24, 2017. The union and management agreed MS-47 TL-5 Handbook with MOUs. Dates & Times: ALL 2024 MEETINGS. These employees may choose to accept a lower pay level residual vacancy in lieu of being excessed. The Clerk Division is the largest division of the American Postal Workers Union. Receipt of a notice of proposed suspension starts the 30 day advance notice period of Section 5 of Article 16 of the National Agreement. John H. The Union maintains that the Postal Service violated the MS -47 Handbook by not maintaining the The interior square feet of the APO and all associated RMPOs are added together and the results are divided by 18,000. 20005-4128 RE: Q10T-4Q-C 15206030 Recently, the parties met to discuss the Arbitrator Goldberg Award dated June 30, 2017, regarding POStPlan Custodial Staffing ("POStPlan Custodial Staffing Award"). The American Postal Workers Union is shocked and saddened by the tragic and ongoing violence in Israel and Palestine. STEP 3 GRIEVANCE APPEAL FORM. Add the final numbers from 1 and 2. (This article first appeared in the March/April 2020 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) We have a new contract! With Arbitrator Goldberg’s award in early March 2020, our collective bargaining agreement is now set. 20 per hour effective May 23, 2020, and. has announced. 3. Answer: This is the only exception when it comes to modifying Line H for purposes of the end of year review and does not change Line H in the actual staffing package. Additionally, the union requested that the clerk craft employee serving in the detail be returned to his normal assignment. The Oct. Three-year contract: September 21, 2021 through September 20, 2024. This Step 4 Settlement Agreement addresses whether management violated Article 1. The outstanding issue in implementing the Award was the process of returning custodial cleaning in POSt- Plan Installations to the CARRIERS, AFL-CIOand AMERICAN POSTAL WORKERS UNION, AFL-CIO, Plaintiffs,-v. Mr. Q10C-4Q-C 4256800, finding that the Postal Service violated the MOU by failing to Arbitration Awards & Settlements. It was negotiated at the National Level for offices that do not fall under a local and do not have an existing LMOU in place. RE: Q18T-6Q-C 21160044/HQTT20210109 – Revisions to the Administrative Support Manual, Issue 13, Sections 531 and 535 . All records of totally overturned disciplinary actions will be removed from the supervisor's personnel records as well as from the employee's Official Personnel Folder. (This article first appeared in the March/April 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) By Maintenance Division Director Idowu Balogun Beginning in 2012, The US Postal Service embarked on a “Pilot” program to replace the 1983 Custodial Staffing. In January 2016, the Postal Service paid $40. McKinnon Sr. DATE OF STEP 2. 8 million directly to clerks and establish an escrow of $11. So here’s the rule: management is responsible The Postal Service notified the APWU that management has almost completed the paperwork to correct payment amounts due to employees for the initial portion of a $56 million monetary settlement of grievances protesting managerial personnel performing Clerk Craft duties in small offices. Time limits were extended by mutual agreement. ---. Register in advance for the Small Offices Line H Zoom meeting 11:00 AM EST / 8:00 AM PST: Register in advance for the eMARS facilities Line H Zoom meeting 3:00 PM EST / 12:00 PM PST: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 2 million to employees; however, it subsequently notified the APWU of errors in these initial payments. Safety and Health. 0 requires that If the 204-B detail assignment exceeds the 90 day limit, the supervisory work performed by the 204-8, on the 91 81 day and beyond, must be considered bargaining The Motor Vehicle Service Craft also includes Driver Safety Instructors who train and familiarize all employees with driving duties and MVS Clerks who work in Vehicle Maintenance Facilities and in Transportation Departments in mail processing plants. The official and final version of the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Our typical settlements are not in the board room, but around a gathering table or a kitchen table with fresh coffee always on hand. The parties agree that the questions and answers below resolve all Jul 18, 2023 · In preparation for the 2023 All-Craft Conference, the APWU had requested an extension for all grievance time limit deadlines for all levels. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE . R. Share this article. Always check the USPS Publication 223 - Directives and Forms Catalog 2. Washington, DC 20005-4128 . Foster. These hours are based on facility size and designated cleaning frequencies. I don’t expect a large settlement like Nashville P&DC, but there may be some monetary settlement. APWU National Grievance Number: pg 2 no number. The conversion-to-career-status-date of 43 former PSEs will change Handbooks and Manuals, Line H, July 9, 2014 MOU Re: MS-47 TL-5 Implementation and Maintenance Craft PSE Conversions. Despite extensive negotiations and mediation under 39 U. The above identified emergency considerations will expire on May 17, 2020. Feb 10, 2017 · Step 2 Grievance Appeal Form Instructions. 19 to $18. 6 million for grievance settlements last year. RE: Q10C-4Q-C 16130532 - APWU #HQTG20160085 - DBCS POStPlan. The exterior paved and unpaved square feet of the APO and all associated RMPOs are added together and the results are divided by 500,000. Raymer: RE: Q15T-4Q-C 17274095 APWU #: HQTT20160555 Washington, DC 20260-4100. 6 of the National Agreement. The OIG found that “supervisors did not appropriately assign overtime, required employees to work outside their skill sets, moved carriers from their regular routes Overview View Online Download. Nov. This is popularly referred to as enforcing Line H, in recognition of the line item on the custodial staffing PS4852. 2382 Passes the House – APWU Members Instrumental in Victory! APWU NSB 02-2020 APWU Meets with USPS on the Spread of COVID-19; APWU NSB 03-2020 We Have a New Union Contract!! APWU NSB 04-2020 Postal Workers in a Time of Crisis; APWU NSB 05-2020 Day of Action - June 23 - #SaveThePostOffice The APWU and Postal Service have settled a grievance regarding the proper procedure for covering absences of custodians, Maintenance Craft Director Steve Raymer has announced. The parties mutually agree that Article 15. DISCIPLINE (NATURE OF) OR CONTRACT (ISSUE) CRAFT. In our Headquarters located in Glenside, on the road, or at any Regus office location, we can hold your final This Step 4 Settlement Agreement addresses whether a detail assignment, which had existed for approximately 2 years, should be posted for bid. AMERICAN POSTAL WORKERS UNION, AFL-CIO . Many of these documents have resolved disputes over contract interpretation. APWU Again Preserves Pay Increases and Job Security. This section includes settlement agreements that may affect Clerk Craft employees who work in Mail Processing, Customer Service, or any other functional area. National Negotiations, Grievance Settlements. pdf. On August 31, the APWU Motor Vehicle Service Craft Division and the USPS came to a settlement for case numbers Q10V-4Q-C 16466169/HQTV20160275, Q10V-4Q-C 15300453/HQTV20150846 and Q10V-4Q-C 16466163/A19V20160276. BETWEEN THE. W. Tags: Higher Level Assignments , Higher Level Pay. Feb 15, 2024 · SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT . The PSE district cap was exceeded by 43 PSEs in May 2012 and 132 in October 2012. May 30, 2017 · Maintenance Craft Agreement with USPS Resolving Line H Dispute. The duration provision in Section 2. Raymer Director, Maintenance Division American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO 1300 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-4128. The period spans a total of 15 days. American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO - Mail Equipment Shops Employees American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO - Material Distribution Centers Employees Apr 6, 2020 · In FY20, once a custodial employee exceeds sixty (60) hours of sick leave, any COVID-19 related absences between February 29, 2020, and May 17, 2020, will reduce the Line H liabilities for that facility by seven (7) hours for each day the employee was unavailable. The 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA) of 2006 created a manufactured financial crisis mainly through unreasonable prefunding of retiree health care and postage price caps that pushed the Postal Service to reduce service to the general public. The Clerk Craft recently settled four disputes as part of a pre-arbitration review process that was agreed upon by APWU President Mark Dimondstein and the Postal Service, Clerk Craft Director Clint Burelson has announced. National Award Issued in Favor of APWU Motor Vehicle Service Craft. The issue in the case is “the determination of Appeals to Arbitration. Complete address and phone number of Grievant or if Class Action Complete address of Local Office supporting the Grievance. September 28, 2017. For everyone on here telling people to join maintenance. Craft: Maintenance. 2021-2024 APWU/USPS Collective Bargaining Agreement. These positions were the Human Resource/Training Technician Employees identified to receive make-whole remedy are bargaining unit employees represented by APWU. Pay rates applied to remedy based on 2018 pay scale for Level 6 HR Clerk, Level 7 Training Technician, Level 6 career clerk weighted average wage, and Level 6 career clerk entry step. GATS Number: Q10C-4Q-C-13207681. Staffing. About the Clerk Division. Until the Board has issued a final decision, the handbook and manual provisions at issue should be treated as still in effect. -----)(Case No. On Aug. 27 agreement settles a Step 4 dispute. The mterpretive issue in this dispute 1s whether the notices dated February 20, 2015 and March 31, 2015 regarding the Postal Service determination to eliminate scheme requirements from a!I clerk This task force will include subject matter experts. American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO 1300 L Street N. For MS-47 version TL-3, the Snow Removal line includes a frequency on the PS 4852. Document Type: APWU Contract. The APWU and Postal Service have reached an agreement that prohibits management from subcontracting cleaning services based on an employee’s voluntarily transfer from an office where USPS custodians are employed. Jobs The issue in this National Level Arbitration was whether the Postal Service violated Articles 17 and 31 by refusing to grant APWU's request for EI/QWL minutes, specifically, those portions of the minutes which related in any way to the rearrangement of the dispatch function and the possible reassignment of work due to such rearrangement. Brent transmitted a National Award dated July 21, 2023, to the parties in the Motor Vehicle Craft Jobs MOU case, Case No. February 12, 2016. If other documents or resources are determined to be of relevance to the negotiations process, the list will Nov 23, 2007 · settlement check should be directed to the Accounting Help Desk at 1-866-974-2733 and should only be made following expiration of the three full pay periods. 69 per hour. This page includes recent arbitration awards and Step 4 settlements for members of the Maintenance Division. Line 2- EIN- Employee Identification number of Grievant Craft, Level, Step, Duty Hours, Off Days, Email Address. Line H refers to the actual Line H on form 4852. Washington, DC . This latest wage increase caps off two years of strong raises secured in the 2021-2024 contract and follows record-breaking cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) for Dec 11, 2021 · The APWU is preparing the complete Tentative Agreement to be sent to members with their ratification ballot. (This article first appeared in the July/August 2020 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) On May 15, the APWU entered into two separate Step 4 Settlement Agreements with the Postal Service, regarding the Intrastate DOT physical requirement and Clerk Vehicle Dispatcher position. Any case {s) held pending this national dispute will be resolved in accordance with this agreement and based on local fact. Over the life of the Agreement a Level 6 PSE pay will rise from the $17. APWU National Grievance Number: HQTC20130411. The issue in the case is “the determination of compliance with item 6 of the July 9, 2014 TL-5 MOU”. SETILEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE AND THE AMERICAN POSTAL WORKERS UNION, AFL-CIO. Approximately 300 corrections are outstanding. APWU #: HQTT20160555 . 1300 L Street NW. How do you find the 2022 Global Settlement Agreement covering unsettled Line H cases from 2020 back to 2017, please? This agreement was e tered into by USPS contract compliance representative. Last month, I reached an agree-ment with the USPS District Labor Representative designated to set- 1 week as a custodian. Tuesday – April 23 @ 7 PM This page contains a collection of grievance settlements, memorandums of understanding, court decisions, and statements of the parties' understanding of the issues involved in various national-level disputes. Recently the parties met during pre-arbitration discussions regarding the above referenced dispute. 2. Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , Article 19 , Memorandum of Understanding Re: MS- 47 TL-5 Implementation and Maintenance Craft PSE Conversions , Line H MOU Item 6. THE ABOVE GRIEVANCE IS BEING APPEALED TO STEP 3 - PROVIDE DATE: He was responsible for multi-milliondollar MS-47 settlements before Arbitrator Das. Subcontracting. American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO . While we make every effort to keep this page up to date, the Postal Service updates their handbooks and manuals constantly. American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO - Postal Clerks - The Special Delivery Messengers were merged into the Clerk Craft by Memorandum of Understanding dated November 20, 1997. S. Arbitration Awards & Settlements. Line H specifically is the number of needed hours of custodial work for the whole year. For 2014, this amounted to a total of 12 week time frame to be monitored for a penalty settlement for custodians (or Clerk Craft employees in offices where there are no custodi-ans (as per the CBA)). The April 25 agreement stipulates that in offices with multiple custodians, the staff that is present can work additional hours, using additional part-time flexible hours Maintenance Craft Agreement with USPS Resolving Line H Dispute05/19/2017 – The Postal Service and the Maintenance Division of the APWU signed an agreement resolving a national level dispute regarding custodial hours on line H of Form 4852 (case number Q15T-4Q-C 17274095). 08-CV-00458(DC) SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Plaintiffs National Association ofLetter Carriers, AFL-CIO("NALC") and The APWU and the Postal Service finalized a settlement on May 9, 2017 resolving national case A19V20021, concerning the 2002 changes made to the Motor Vehicle Operator (MVO) and Tractor-Trailer Operator (TTO) Qualification Standards. 8, 2023. MOU Re: COVID-19 Emergency Considerations for Fiscal Year 2020 MS-47, TL-5 Line H Liabilities (April 6, 2020) The Postal Service and the Maintenance Division of the APWU signed an agreement resolving a national level dispute regarding custodial hours on line H of Form 4852 (case number Q15T-4Q-C 17274095). APWU National Grievance Number: HQTG20160085. Warwick Road Magnolia, NJ 08049. ) At the interest arbitration hearing for a new contract in february, the Clerk Craft presented two panels of workers who explained their job responsibilities to the panel of arbitrators. - UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE and UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL, Defendants. We proudly represent approximately 150,000 postal clerks in post offices large and small across the country. Sep 1, 2023 · Jobs MOU Violation Remedy Payments Scheduled for August 4 - September 1, 2023. The Postal Service and the Maintenance Division of the APWU signed an agreement resolving a national level dispute regarding custodial hours on line H of Form 4852 (case number Q15T-4Q-C 17274095). Dear Mr. D of the Clerk Craft Jobs MOU which states, "The usage of a 204-B in this exception is normally limited to no more than 90 days. 05/19/2017 – The Postal Service and the Maintenance Division of the APWU signed an agreement resolving a national level dispute regarding custodial hours on line H of Form 4852 (case number Q15T-4Q-C 17274095). (This article first appeared in the May-June 2016 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine. Director, MVS Division. Line H MOU, Item 6, Line H Q&As, Line H Q&A's, end of year Line H, end of fiscal year, Q & A, Questions and Answers, work hours comparison Application of MOU Re: MS-47 TL-5 Implementation and Maintenance Craft PSE Conversions Questions and Answers (2017) Nov 13, 2023 · Nashville Area Office Line H Nashville Local #5 will begin filing Line H grievances for all of the Area Offices represented by the Nashville Local (Dickson, Franklin, Hermitage, LaVergne, and Smyrna) starting November 6. (This article first appeared in the March/April 2020 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) On February 10, the Maintenance Craft Division Director Balogun and the Postal Service signed off on the implementation of Arbitrator Goldberg’s Award Awards and Settlements. These grievances involve supervisors answering phone calls and completing PS Form 3971. APWU Store. This settlement, specific to the Maintenance Craft, states Maintenance Craft Veterans Preference Eligible Employees American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO . Statement from APWU General Officers on the Conflict in Israel and Palestine. American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO 1300 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-4128 Re: Q10T-4Q-C-14171644/ Q10T-4Q-C-16481407 and Handbook MS-1, TL-5 and TL-6 Revisions and Related Maintenance Management Orders Dear Mr. Step-4 Agreement Re: Non-Maintenance Capable and ASM 8 Revisions. APWU National Grievance Number: HQTT20140774. 24, with the help of Assistant Clerk Craft Director Lynn Pallas-Barber, McKinnon reached agreement with the Postal Service on the issue of whether the “normal staffing” of two clerks per machine on Delivery Bar Code Sorters (DBCS) should be a minimum Grievance Moratorium , 2022 National Convention. In a united fight for the protection of all Postal employees, the APWU, National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) and National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) were victorious over USPS policies in six consolidated National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) charges filed across the nation. I should’ve listened to you and I’m sorry. The raise will appear in paychecks dated Dec. CLASS ACTION OR PERSON (Last Name First) WORK LOCATION CITY AND ZIP CODE (FROM LINE 10) LOCAL GRIEVANCE NO. On May 19, 2017 Jan 8, 2016 · 2016-01-08 Step 4 Settlement Scheme Requirements Settlement. We have agreed to settle National Disputes that were filed when the Postal Service exceeded the PSE compliment cap of 10 percent in the MVS craft in 2012. APWU National Grievance Number: H7V1FD39176. RE: Q15T-4Q-C 17274095 . 2 million to be disbursed in a manner determined by the union. Craft: Clerk. Raymer: Recently, we met to discuss the above captioned dispute at the Step 4 level of the grievance-arbitration procedure. OTHER IMPORTANT SETTLEMENTS & DOCUMENTS. USPS GRIEVANCE NO. Once a grievance on a notice of proposed suspension is filed, it is not necessary to file a grievance on the decision letter. American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO. The Postal Service may appeal the ALJ’s decision and ask the Board to overturn it in part or completely. Mar 10, 2022 · The 2021-2024 LMOU for Offices Without a Local Union Structure is also being made available for your reference. Washington, D. " is applicable to an OIC assignment except when the The ALJ’s decision now must be approved by the National Labor Relations Board. The APWU and the Postal Service have agreed to a moratorium on grievances, disciplinary actions and arbitration hearings at the national, regional, state and local levels from August 8 through August 22, 2022, due to the 2022 APWU Biennial Convention. Therefore, some of these may not be the most recent published edition. Michael O. return to Contract Database. PS Form 4852 is a breakdown of square footage and cleaning frequencies that dictates how many staffing hours are required for each facility weekly and yearly. 1300 L Street, NW . Q10T-4Q-C 15206030 concerning custodial staffing in POStPlan office clusters (a group of postal facilities consisting of at least one Remotely Managed Post Office [RMPO] directly reporting to the postmaster American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO - Postal Clerks - The Special Delivery Messengers were merged into the Clerk Craft by Memorandum of Understanding dated November 20, 1997. Dirzius. American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO Postal Vehicle Service Scanning Duty Settlement Reached. AND THE . 3 percent GWI, as they do not receive COLA. Members Only. RE: 01 OC-40-C 15300701 I HOTC20150833. If a disciplinary action has been modified, the original action may be modified by pen and The settlement directed the Postal Service to pay $44. Contract. will be deducted as appropriate from the identified settlement amount. Detailed information on the ratification vote will be announced in the near future. Clerk Craft Assistant Director Lamont Brooks negotiated the settlements. APWU NSB 01-2020 H. 0% effective November 21, 2020. (This article appears in the September/October 2014 issue of The American Postal Worker magazine. Custodian Understaffing is a 39 U. As working people, we stand with the oppressed and the innocent, thousands of whom have lost their lives in the last month. Custodian Team Cleaning (CTC): Doomed to Fail. The MOU dictated that custodians receive additional compensation when certain facilities fail to use 90 percent of their calculated annual custodial workhours. Yes, ask your maintenance steward to request your branch's Staffing package. Document Type: Step 4 Agreement. The postal service is 50% liable if your union is not filing your annual line h grievances. (202) 842-4240. Mar 11, 2020 · 2. The workers Agreement Reached on Line H Dispute and Q & A. Line 1- Personal Information Grievants name or Class Action. ) The APWU and USPS signed a major settlement on July 9 that resolved a long-standing dispute over custodial staffing and resulted in the conversion to career of all Maintenance Craft Postal Support Employees. Recently we met in pre-arbitration discussions regarding the above referenced dispute. The issue in the case is “ the determination of compliance with Michael O. Contact. Under his leadership, Maintenance agreed on the creation of the MS-47 TL-5 that brought in millions of dollars on Line H settlements year after year, as well as the establishment of an all-career workforce in the Maintenance Division. section 1208 violation. I took the jump from being a CCA and I seriously could not be happier! I obviously have a special circumstance, my office is missing 2 other custodians so I can work as much overtime as I want. The parties agree to meet and discuss these Memoranda of Understanding prior to August 6, 2021, to determine The Line H settlements and arbitration rulings were significant: The Postal Service is required to staff, schedule, and assure the performance of custodial duties, whether an office is covered by Transmittal Letter 3 (T/L-3) or Transmittal Letter 5 (T/L-5) of the MS-47 Handbook. Balogun, The parties met on multiple occasions to discuss revisions to the Handbook MS-1/TL-5, the MS- Step 2 Grievance Appeal Form Instructions. Steven G. May 15, 2017 · Location: American Legion Edwin I Johnson Post 370 370 N. Events. APWU, USPS Settle Custodial Subcontracting Dispute. 20260-4100 Dear Mr. The issue in the case is “ the determination of compliance with item 6 of the July 9, 2014 TL-5 MOU. On June 30, Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg issued a national award for Case No. Tags: 2021-2024 Contract. 20 per hour effective May 22, 2021. Contract Time Period. Maintenance Defines Custodial Staffing in POStPlan Clusters. C. One of the ways that the Postal Service reduced service was by reducing The issue in this grievance is whether one party can unilaterally appeal from an expedited hearing to a Step 4. The issue concerns the deployment of Mar 17, 2020 · On February 10, the Maintenance Craft Division Director Balogun and the Postal Service signed off on the implementation of Arbitrator Goldberg’s Award on POStPlan Custodial Staffing in (APO/RMPO) Installations. These documents cover subjects such as limited duty, schemes, 204-B limitations, and job postings. Recently, we met to discuss the above captioned dispute at the Step 4 level of the grievance-arbitration procedure. Changes agreed to by the parties, from the previous CBA, are in bold type. When members like you do get involved, the results are excellent – like the $24,000 to the Agreement Reached on Line H Dispute and Q & A. The union filed an appeal to arbitration in 2002 in response to unanswered questions and concerns with the In a June 2014 Management Advisory Report (HR-MA-14-008), the OIG reported that the South Florida District paid more than $7. GATS Number: J10T4JC15092710. Normal federal, state, and local tax withholdings, retirement, Social Security, and other relevant withholdings, etc. As of the end of fiscal year (FY) 2018, there were 8,955 facilities subject to this MOU, including processing 2016-02 settlements. zp eo fo sc ck xx av qv ov zo