Get clusterlog level

The level to set for the logger. container. To set a common property for a clustered resource, use this cmdlet to get the object for the clustered resource, and then set the appropriate property on that object directly. txt" does not refer to an existing file on the localhost. # Show all logs from pod nginx written in the last hour. --v=0. To change the logging level: where <config. The cluster health API returns a simple status on the health of the cluster. Read-only access limits the user to Windows PowerShell cmdlets that provide information about the cluster. The default level, 3, includes errors, warnings, and additional information. Accessing for the first time with kubectl When accessing the Kubernetes API for the first time, we suggest using the Kubernetes CLI, kubectl. Files in the Trace Directory Starting with Oracle Clusterware 12 c release 1 (12. This can happen during initial recovery, replica allocation, rebalancing, or when nodes are added or removed. Cluster administrators can access logs to diagnose and solve problems. kubectl logs -f -l app=nginx --all-containers=true. debug and index. Click Add and click Save. Note. Monitor cluster activity by enabling job history logging for your MATLAB Job Scheduler cluster. Set-ClusterLog -Level:5 . . Choose Create cluster. Node-level logging – This includes actual log files saved at the node level. You can mimic the search or indexing slow log level by setting appropriate threshold making "more verbose" loggers to be switched off. properties` file. To access a cluster, you need to know the location of the cluster and have credentials to access it. It can be one of the following: “M” for Primary, “S” for replica, "C" for writer child Apr 21, 2015 · Monitor by availability zone, environment, roles, and other groupings. Get-Cluster | Select ClusterFunctionLevel returns blank. By default, the following event channels are enabled: PowerShell. The Get-ClusterAvailableDisk cmdlet gets information about the disks that can support Failover Clustering and are visible to all nodes, but aren't yet part of the set of clustered disks. Apr 23, 2021 · 3. Apr 22, 2024 · Kubectl verbosity is controlled with the -v or --v flags followed by an integer representing the log level. exe from Config Manager. Log level – LogLevel can one of the following: VERBOSE("-"), NOTICE("*"), WARNING("#"). \n. This way you will be able to check current usage of pods/nodes. in below example, I am dumping logs from all nodes to C:\Temp folder. Nov 12, 2021 · First, you need to create a ServiceAccount called fluentdd. This will generate a log file for all (or specific) nodes in the WSFC. In Spark config, enter the configuration properties as one key-value pair per line. log ¦ ¦ ¦ +---Replica2 ¦ AlwaysOn_health_0_131532571347210000. parallelize(Seq("")). When creating a log file for the cluster, you can specify the timespan that you want logged information for in addition to providing a destination for the created logs. If a disk is unexpectedly missing from the list of disks that are available for use in the cluster, then make sure that the configuration of the Dec 8, 2014 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jun 17, 2019 · Get-ClusterLog –Node Node2 –TimeSpan 15 -UseLocalTime. Finally, add the node into the cluster by using the Add-ClusterNode cmdlet. log files can be found in the <systemroot>\cluster\reports directory (usually c:\windows\cluster\Reports) on each node. chroot /host. In Windows Server 2012 R2, you can increase the speed of the failover process by disabling NetBIOS over TCP. --v=1. 1. The output looks like this on a 3 node cluster: The Cluster. 1 ¦ ERRORLOG. exe. You can select the exact log types you need, and logs are sent as log streams to a group for each Amazon EKS cluster in CloudWatch. To get your log messages, you can use any of the following methods: View logs in your configured log destination. \n When creating a log file for the cluster, you can specify the timespan that you want logged information for in addition to providing a destination for the created logs. Issuing this command overrides any value for level set in the agent On the compute configuration page, click the Advanced Options toggle. You can change this setting by modifying the `appender. Get-Cluster <ClusterManagementName> | Get-ClusterGroup | Format-Table Name,OwnerNode. Define Logging Level. In this example, you are able to trace the problem Dec 26, 2023 · Open an elevated PowerShell prompt and change the directory to the C:\tss_tool folder. GPU metrics are only available at the individual-node level. Run the getLog command. etl file), which can be changed using the command “Cluster log /size:<size in MB>” (example: cluster log /size:120). I realize this will be a stair step upgrade and thats fine. If your application runs on AWS, you might want to alert when more than 40 percent of servers are down in any AWS availability zone. Kubernetes has log drivers for each container runtime, and can automatically locate and read these log files. age` property in the `log4j2. 3 The. kubectl logs --tail=20 nginx. # Display only the most recent 20 lines of output in pod nginx. Command. Assess the threat level of your network with GFI LanGuard. Example 2 Get-ClusterGroup -Name "Cluster Group" | Get-ClusterResource. You can generate the cluster debug log by running the Get-ClusterLog PowerShell cmdlet. Typically, this is automatically set-up when you work through a Getting started guide, or Jan 7, 2020 · Cluster log /g /Level:5-> Cluster. cluster_name}, and ${sys:es. You can also use Event Viewer to open a log related to failover clustering. trace to -1. By default, it should look like this: logger. Example 1 Setting a Log Level for a Logger. Jun 11, 2015 · In this article we assume that a Kubernetes cluster has been created with cluster level logging support for sending logs to Google Cloud Logging. The first setting is the log level, and the second setting is the memory level. web Set-ClusterLog –Level 5 NetBIOS over TCP. This also activates the ExtendedEvents menu. Log level values are SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, and FINEST. \Get-psSDP. On a multi-node installation of Tableau Server, set logging levels from the initial node. xel ¦ ERRORLOG ¦ ERRORLOG. This line sets the log level for the action module. This example lists the state and owner node of each clustered role, or resource group, in the local cluster. kubectl logs -f -c ruby web-1. Examples. 4 ¦ ERRORLOG. Go to the C:\Windows\Cluster\Reports folder and open the Cluster. Examples Example 1 Set-ClusterLog -Level 1. xel ¦ AlwaysOn_health_0_131532578226200000. Container-level logging – Logs are generated by containers using stdout and stderr, and can be accessed using the logs command in kubectl. If for instance we want to simulate index. Locate the line that starts with `logger. Logs very detailed messages on internal functions. Using the time stamp from the Event ID 1230 find the point of the failure. The typical values for InfoLevel consist of DBG, INFO, WARN, and ERR. This log is considered sort of a debug level log, so it is not written to disk in a readable format … Continue reading "Generating and reading cluster logs" Elastic strongly recommends using the Log4j 2 configuration that is shipped by default. This is the default log level. 1 NDB Cluster Logging Management Commands. By default, you won’t see the DBG event entries unless you’ve configured the verbosity of the cluster debug log using the Set-ClusterLog PowerShell cmdlet. This service account gets used by the Fluentd Pods to access the Kubernetes API, and you need to create them in the logging Namespace with the label app: fluentd. 2. Although 100 MB may seem like a large log file, there is a significant amount of detail being saved for each entry due to this format change and 40 MB provides a reasonable amount of Oct 10, 2016 · Set-ClusterLog -Size:1024. -> From powershell, execute below command to generate cluster. You can generate the cluster log using the Failover Clustering Windows PowerShell® cmdlet Get-ClusterLog Get-ClusterLog –Node <CreateClusterNode> Note: The default verbosity level for the cluster log is 3. Mar 4, 2022 · If your code uses one of the affected classes (JMSAppender or SocketServer), your use may potentially be impacted by these vulnerabilities. First, logs are meant to help you solve issues. The Get-ClusterLog cmdlet creates a log file for all nodes, or a specific a node, in a failover cluster. This feature was removed from Windows Server 2016. logs. exe commands… Confirm Current Cluster Log Settings. When you configure compute using the Clusters API, set Spark properties in the spark_conf field in the create cluster API or Update cluster API. base_path} , ${sys:es. Repeat these steps for each node of the cluster. Generate an MSCS cluster log after the problem occurs. This example sets the log level of the web container logger to WARNING. Application performance Control network traffic with GFI Exinda NetworkOrchestrator. When Windows Server 2008 introduced PowerShell cmdlets for WSFC, I immediately ditched cluster. Navigate to the new Amazon EMR console and select Switch to the old console from the side navigation. properties file. Set-ClusterParameter Feb 22, 2024 · System component logs record events happening in cluster, which can be very useful for debugging. ps1. sc. log is in GMT. In the listing that follows, node_id denotes either a storage node ID or the keyword ALL , which indicates that the command should be applied to all of the cluster's data nodes. system. 3. May 3, 2024 · Global init script create, edit, and delete events are also captured in account-level diagnostic logs. log} | Select-String " ERR " | Out-GridView Get-ClusterLog には -TimeSpan オプションがありますので、このオプションを指定することで何分前までのログを取得するかを設定することも可能です。 Description. Generally useful for this to always be visible to a cluster operator. Run the following command to see the logs in real time: ceph -W cephadm. Modifying the kubelet as a one-time scenario To modify the kubelet in a one-time scenario without rebooting the node due to the change of machine-config(spec":{"paused":false}}) , allowing you to modify the kubelet without May 29, 2024 · You can also get the latest metrics by clicking the Refresh button. Top command. More often than not other event logs are asked and needed. log file. Managed AKS components: You can use Metrics Explorer to view the Inflight Requests counter. There are four (4) common types of entries – INFO (informational), WARN (warning), ERR (error) and DBG (debug). 3. txt" and bind mounted it into the container. If you want to read the cluster log on Windows 2008/2012 failover clusters, you have to generate it first. Elasticsearch exposes three properties, ${sys:es. Verbosity. I am concerned out the gate because one of the steps is to raise the functional level as you get the cluster For each subsystem, there is a logging level for its output logs (a so-called “log level”) and a logging level for its in-memory logs (a so-called “memory level”). Steven. These logs make it easy for you to secure and run your clusters. Example 3 Get-ClusterNode -Name node1 | Get-ClusterGroup Set-ClusterLog: Sets the size and level of detail for the cluster log. asadmin> set-log-levels javax. Procedure. This is an option when creating a Google Container Engine (GKE) cluster, and is enabled by default for the open source Google Compute Engine (GCE) Kubernetes distribution. indexing. Jun 5, 2024 · On the row for the compute, click the kebab menu on the right, and select Edit permissions. \nThe default level, 3, includes errors, warnings, and additional information. This example sets the cluster log size to 1024 MB May 20, 2016 · Get-ClusterLog –UseLocalTime. 2 ¦ ERRORLOG. change log-level. Start the trace by running the cmdlet on the source and destination nodes. Windows Server Failover Clustering is a high availability platform that is constantly monitoring the network connections and health of the nodes in a cluster. This cmdlet will create a text log file for all nodes or a specific node (if specified) within a failover cluster. Get-ClusterLog –Destination “C:\Temp”. log on each server that is a member of the cluster and is currently running. log file in c:\windows\cluster\reports after the above command is run. Aug 14, 2013 · NOTE: this post was originally from 2010, it was updated for win2012 in august 2013. Elasticsearch uses Log4j 2 for logging. If a node is not reachable over the network, then recovery action is taken to recover and bring applications and services online on another This means that "$(pwd)/envvars. To set the log level on all executors, you must set it inside the JVM on each worker. Mar 23, 2019 · ¦ ¦ Replica1_cluster. For more information on what to expect when you switch to the old console, see Using the old console. Choose Go to advanced options. By default, it will store the cluster debug log files in the C:\Windows\Cluster\Reports Jul 29, 2022 · Generate the cluster log without retrieving cluster state information. On a production cluster i will recommend keeping default log level, and only change to more verbose logs when needed to debug cluster level issues (and return the log verbosity back to default after any such troubleshooting is done) Cephadm writes logs to the cephadm cluster log channel. Ceph’s logging levels operate on a scale of 1 to 20, where 1 is terse and 20 is verbose. To get detailed information about the overall health of your cluster, you can run: kubectl cluster-info dump. Get-ClusterLog -UseLocalTime -Destination . For example, if you specify debug ms = 5, Ceph will treat it as a log level and a memory level of 5. By default, Elasticsearch keeps the last 2GB of log files. In Permission Settings, click the Select user, group or service principal… drop-down menu and select a user, group, or service principal. Jun 22, 2023 · Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to configure log levels in Elasticsearch: 1. Reminder: The event log is in local time and the cluster. . By running the validation tests, you can confirm that your hardware and settings are compatible with Failover Clustering. log of all nodes to one destination directory with local time stamp. 2), diagnostic data files written by Oracle Clusterware programs are known as trace files and have a . ini file. There are multiple types of tests, including Cluster, Inventory, Network, Storage, System, and other types of tests. The Set-ClusterLog cmdlet sets the size and level of detail for the cluster log. Open the `log4j2. We can then view the file using CMTrace. Good afternoon, I have been reading a few guides for upgrading our 3 Hyper-V hots from 2012R2 to at least 2019 or 2022. node_name} that can be referenced in the Get-ClusterGroup. Download logs through MongoDB Atlas . You can view metrics for individual nodes by clicking the Compute drop-down menu and selecting the node you want to view metrics for. xel ¦ AlwaysOn_health_0_131532725682240000. strategy. host[,host[,]] Set the management agent's cluster logging level. You can monitor Ceph’s activity in real time by reading the logs as they fill up. To open the failover cluster snap-in, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Failover Cluster Manager. Jan 1, 2024 · This topic discusses multiple ways to interact with clusters. Time is in following format: "DD MMM YYYY hh:mm:ss. For data streams, the API retrieves the health status of the stream’s backing indices. This example sets the cluster log to a detail level of 1. You can even use the cmdlet to specify a certain time space, like the last 15 minutes which can be really handy if you know To troubleshoot some issues with nodes, establish the kubelet’s log level verbosity depending on the issue to be tracked. You can also narrow it to namespace. Any usage above the tier level incurs charges based on the per-GB rate of that commitment tier. # Begin streaming the logs from all containers in pods defined by label app=nginx. yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: fluentd namespace: logging labels: app: fluentd. Mar 15, 2019 · Get-ClusterLog is the Windows PowerShell cmdlet that will generate the cluster. One of the main roles of the master is to decide which shards to allocate to which nodes, and when to move shards Generating the Windows Server Failover Cluster Debug Logs. For Windows nodes, the log data is in C:\k and can be viewed using the more command: Console. 6. Add kube-state-metrics to your cluster; Spot check via command line; Production Kubernetes monitoring with Datadog Jan 15, 2019 · For more information on the FAILURE_CONDITION_LEVEL settings and which will trigger availability group state change, see: Flexible Failover Policy for Automatic Failover of an Availability Group (SQL Server) Example Review Cluster log To check if a health check timeout has been violated, review the cluster log. properties` file in a text editor. Learn more . Type: SwitchParameter Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: scs Required: False Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False -TimeSpan Jan 18, 2019 · The Powershell cmdlet get-clusterlog is a quick and handy way to get information from the Windows Cluster. Storage tests will not test online disks or storage pools that are in use by a clustered role. Spark metrics are not available for individual nodes. Log Analytics Dedicated Clusters use a commitment tier pricing model of at least 100 GB/day. The purpose Sep 14, 2021 · Hello John, The Get-ClusterLog cmdlet creates a log file for all nodes, or a specific node, in a failover cluster. That’s the majority of the job, but not all. Each log level is assigned to a specific Scylla class. This browser is no longer supported. A debug logging setting can take a single value for the log level and the memory level, which sets them both as the same value. 6 Amazon EKS control plane logging provides audit and diagnostic logs directly from the Amazon EKS control plane to CloudWatch Logs in your account. Time – The UTC time of the logged message. Shard allocation is the process of allocating shards to nodes. General Kubernetes logging conventions and the associated log levels are described here. This is very verbose and can contain sensitive information. You can find the cluster. Examples Example 1 Get-ClusterAccess Dec 6, 2019 · 1. Turns the cluster log on. May 31, 2018 · Controls the level of cluster logging. The Get-ClusterResource cmdlet gets information about one or more resources in a failover cluster. As I mentioned in part 4 of this series, I start with searching for ERR Mar 15, 2019 · Tuning Failover Cluster Network Thresholds. Mar 15, 2019 · The cluster log can be generated even when the cluster creation fails by specifying the node to collect the log on. You can also use the API to get the health status of only specified data streams and indices. Cluster-level shard allocation and routing settings. Jul 26, 2023 · Get kubelet logs. The commitment tiers have a 31-day commitment period from the time a Jul 23, 2023 · Elasticsearch uses a built-in log rotation mechanism that creates a new log file every day or when the current log file reaches a certain size. This view includes request Sep 21, 2020 · After some digging, we found anoter way to get the applicationId. EnabledEventLogs. index. Another useful parameter is to copy the files to specific location. The default setting is INFO. For more information, type Get-Help Install-WindowsFeature. action. To see more columns, go the ExtendedEvents menu, and Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Do not emit cluster log messages for events that scale with the number of clients or level of activity on the system, or for events that occur regularly in normal operation. foreachPartition(x => {. Generally, log messages are useful for diagnosing issues, monitoring your deployment, and tuning performance. Set-ClusterOwnerNode: Specifies which nodes can own a resource in a failover cluster or specifies the order of preference among owner nodes for a clustered role, or resource group. journalctl -u kubelet -o cat. Once you connect to the node using kubectl debug, run the following command to pull the kubelet logs: Console. To change the log level, edit the ORACLE_BASE /crsdata/ host_name /crsdiag/ocrcheck. Provides guidance for when a clustered resource fails to come online in a Windows-based failover cluster. Describe node. Copy. Log4j 2 can be configured using the log4j2. To display the log classes (output changes with each version), run the following: scylla--help-loggers Feb 13, 2009 · Switch: Effect: C:\PS> Get-ClusterLog –Destination Dumps the logs on all nodes in the entire cluster to a single directory: C:\PS> Get-ClusterLog –TimeSpan Just dump the last X minutes of the log Access MATLAB ® Job Scheduler cluster job history and service logs and checkpoint data. In cluster mode, the spark-submit command is launched by a client process, which runs entirely on the driver server. The cluster health status is: green, yellow or red. The Get-ClusterAccess cmdlet gets information about permissions that control access to a failover cluster. Deciding on the logging agent strategy and choosing the logging back end are the two main tasks needed to start Kubernetes cluster-level logging. log file that were reported by components of the Cluster Service. Run the following command: kubectl get nodes. trc file extension, and appear together in the trace subdirectory Aug 5, 2014 · Get-ClusterLog;${C:windowsClusterReportsCluster. By default, this command shows info-level events and above. Examples Example 1: Test a possible update Update-ClusterFunctionalLevel -WhatIf. You can remotely Description edit. This example lists the resources in Cluster Group on the local cluster. Newsroom HPE Discover Events Webinars. See Azure Monitor Logs pricing details for pricing details for dedicated clusters. Sep 20, 2018 · To capture a cluster log from each machine in the cluster and place all the files in a specific location execute either of the following commands: PowerShell (recommended for 2012 & 2012 R2) Get-ClusterLog –destination "target-folder" Specifies the level of depth of the network diagnostics logs. Mar 28, 2020 · kubectl --v=5 - Trace level verbosity is documented here. Logs can be as coarse-grained as showing errors within a component, or as fine-grained as showing step-by-step traces of events (like HTTP access logs, pod state changes, controller actions, or scheduler decisions). To turn on the debugging tool with the old console. 2. If you will execute kubectl describe node, in output you will be able to see Capacity of that node and how much allocated resources left. slowlog. A cluster can allow full access or read-only access. This command would generate logs and also dump on specified location. Logs more detailed messages that can be used to debug. PARTNERS The following log levels are used in Rancher: Logs informational messages. Example 2 Set-ClusterLog -Size 1024. xel ¦ AlwaysOn_health_0_131532586348180000. level: INFO then all we need to do is to set index. Cluster level components: You can use existing Container Insights views and reports to monitor cluster level components to understand their health, readiness, performance, CPU and memory resource utilization, and trends. ndb_mgm supports a number of management commands related to the cluster log and node logs. For example: %scala. When creating a log file for the cluster, you can specify the time span that you want logged information for in addition to providing a destination for the created logs. The log of this client process contains the applicationId, and this log - because the client process is run by the driver server - can be printed to the driver Feb 24, 2022 · 1. Start PowerShell (or run the 'PowerShell' command in a DOS prompt). You need to remember two additional things. For example, it would be inappropriate to emit a INFO message about every new client that connects (scales with #clients), or to emit and INFO message about every CephFS 25. PowerShell. But in Windows Server 2016 they went the extra mile. In News and Events. This command tests whether an update would finish successfully. key> is one of the keys in the above table and <config_value> is a valid logging level. This generates a file that is 8MB instead of close to 1 GB. Run the IBM MQamqmsysn utility to display information about all IBM MQ executables and libraries on both members of the cluster. level = info. Right now that we’ve got PowerShell out of the way let’s look at the cluster. Mar 10, 2020 · Use kubectl get to query the Metrics API; View metric snapshots using kubectl top; Query resource allocations with kubectl describe; Browse cluster objects in Kubernetes Dashboard; Collect high-level cluster status metrics. condition. Select a permission from the permission drop-down menu. View metrics at the node level. This has the same effect as using the logger level option; however, unlike the option, this command can be used at run time and does not require a restart of mcmd. kubectl top pods or kubectl top nodes. Feb 15, 2023 · To avoid these issues, you can enable event channels on cluster startup. Mar 15, 2019 · Generate the cluster. Datadog gives you the ability to group your alerts by any combination of tags you set up. To get and set more specific information about a clustered A debug logging setting can take a single value for the log level and the memory level, which sets them both as the same value. And verify that all of the nodes you expect to see are present and that they are all in the Ready state. answered Apr 23, 2021 at 15:30. Get-Cluster <ClusterManagementName> | Get-ClusterResource | Format-Table Cluster,Name,RecourceType,OwnerGroup,OwnerNode. 3 ¦ ERRORLOG. You should test this procedure if you are using earlier operating systems in your environment. Apply pending changes by running the tsm pending-changes apply command. rolling. Different values may be set for these two logging levels in each subsystem. level`. The list of enabled event channels on your cluster can be configured using the public property EnabledEventLogs. You may also specify them separately. ms UTC" Role – Role of the node from where the log is emitted. enterprise. log with the Get-ClusterLog cmdlet. Recently I delved deeper into Azure Databricks Logging & Monitoring to provide guidance to a team heading their project into production and learned a ton from a variety of sources. The events are displayed as rows in the right pane, and by default name, and timestamp are the only two columns displayed. Go to the IBM MQ top-level errors directory. So instead of bind mounting a file into the container, Docker created a new directory on the localhost at the path "$(pwd)/envvars. Description. I think you probably want to look at which nodes own the resources and/or groups. If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Yes. WARNING: If you’ve gone thru part 1, part 2 and part 3 of this series of blog posts and your SQL Server databases running on a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) are still offline and unavailable, I would recommend escalating it to a more senior engineer or calling Microsoft logger-level. 5 ¦ ERRORLOG. TimeSpan is another parameter which can generate cluster log Aug 17, 2015 · So unless you get paid by the hour you’d normally you’d run Get-ClusterLog with the –Destination parameter so all the cluster logs from all cluster members are dumped into the destination folder for your. 0. You can configure log verbosity to see more or less detail. Init script events Cluster event logs capture two init script events: INIT_SCRIPTS_STARTED and INIT_SCRIPTS_FINISHED , indicating which scripts are scheduled for execution and which have completed successfully. #fluentd-SA. log generated from command prompt will be using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and not local time. Feb 14, 2018 · The Cluster Levels viewer Layout for Charts provides a horizontal Bar element visualizer component that displays the log entry count for each of the information levels ( InfoLevel) that exist in a Cluster. First off let’s check the existing cluster properties to see if anyone else has changed them or if they are still on the defaults. threshold. PS C:\Windows\system32> (get-cluster). Click the Spark tab. \n Type : Object \n Parameter Sets : (All) \n Aliases :\n\n Required : False \n Position : Named \n Default value : None \n Accept pipeline input : False \n Accept wildcard characters : False Mar 15, 2019 · The default log file is 100 MB (for each . 5. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Therefore, try to design your solution in a way that will Apr 2, 2024 · To view the Diagnostic log files: From the File menu, select Open, File, and choose the diagnostic log file you want to view. Oct 30, 2017 · The Get-ClusterLog cmdlet creates a log file for all nodes, or a specific a node, in a failover cluster. 6,957 1 16 15. mn vc wo ms mh cu jb gm rs mc