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Set authorization header java

A simple example might look like this: HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet request = new HttpGet(theUrl); request. Swagger. update: items: Update menu items. But it never produced the Authorization header. :(. bmp</groupId>. wtf("The Response ",response. Jul 25, 2018 · I've used this approach and since you already have an example for adding data to the body, creating and adding something to the header was just as simple. Nov 27, 2015 · With BrowserMob you can create a proxy which sets the Authentication Header to the request. So the value of authorization header looks something like CompanyNameToken <hashOfToken>. – Jan 29, 2016 · I use below code: class Test extends AsyncTask < String, Void, String > { @Override protected String doInBackground(Stringurls) { String response = ""; for (String Oct 10, 2019 · @DivyashreeR I would suggest you try and understand concept of Mocking different objects to test a java class by reading more about it online. apiKey – for API keys and cookie authentication. }; OData. Authenticator to set proxy's configuration and set the system properties http. <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method>. The code passes eclipse validation, compiles, loads to Tomcat, and passes through to the webapp. addHeader("x-api-key", apiKey); HttpResponse response = httpclient. Thanks for the help! Dec 23, 2014 · This following information has been deprecated since socket. register May 14, 2024 · 3. getBytes()); String headerAthorization="Basic "+encodedString; Step 1. getHeader() and add my header data to it. EDIT: I am able to set the header manually while building a new WebClient. Oct 4, 2017 at 5:54. I can't seem to be able to create the request correctly as keep getting 403 response back. util. Syntax: Proxy-Authorization: &lt;typ Dec 21, 2015 · so I tried setting the header directly to "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", which didn't work ,but than looked at the headers the server was getting and it turns out android was just prepending "HTTP_" to the headers anyways, I changed the header to "AUTHORIZATION" (all caps) and it worked, magically. What I am confused with is, I don't know how Overview. The simplest way to add basic authentication to a request is to create an instance of HttpHeaders, set the Authorization header value, and then pass it to the RestTemplate. openConnection(); hc. append is that if the specified header already exists and accepts multiple values, set() overwrites the existing value with the new one, whereas Headers. How can i overcome this issue and add the new Header ? Mar 6, 2018 · Im a total noob and I'm just beginning to learn about APIs. ReadOnlyHttpHeaders. xml and HttpServletRequest. Authenticator as shown by James van Huis; Use Apache Commons HTTP Client, as in this Answer; Use basic java. getHeaders(); String value = headers. Sep 28, 2015 · In plain Java you can set the Authorization Header Client side this way: String url = "test. AUTHORIZATION); Sep 9, 2016 · The problem is, that angular doesn't add Authorization header. Your "get first value" logic is already provided by HttpHeaders#getFirst() . version}") String serviceVersion) {. public String getHeader(String name) {. Assembly and it contains a folder: Swagger, where I placed my custom index. For example, below code would set JWT bearer token in the Authorization header. HttpServletRequest type objects are read only, to do that you should: -> create a class which extends HttpServletRequestWrapper (to add some behaviours, decorator pattern) final public class MutableHttpServletRequest extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {. lightbody. Using the HTTP Authorization header is the most common method of providing authentication information. springfox:springfox-swagger2:2. Here is an example: Original answer Support for Authorization: Bearer [JWT_TOKEN] header is working as of version 2. 1/info"; // Test post URL static String sPostURL = "https://192. 2" compile "io. The Java code was automatically generated for the GET Request Bearer Token Authorization Header example. The doFilterInternal method intercepts the requests then checks the Authorization header. url}" message-factory="messageFactory" message-sender="messageSender"/>. This is suitable if you don't have very many calls that require the token. AUTHORIZATION such that you do not need to define by your own : HttpHeaders headers = sendPost. Mar 19, 2014 · The aforementioned solution has one drawback: httpClient adds authorization headers only after receiving 401 response. new Authenticator() {. headers : oHeaders, requestUri : sUrl, data: connectionData, method : "POST". public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {. The next step is to extract a token from the model and pass it as an Authorization header. . open("GET", url, true, username, password); You need to send the Authorization argument in the HTTP request header, it's imposed by OAuth flows. cs: c. Here's the relevant spring-integration configuration: <ws:outbound-gateway uri="${soap. 1. com Oct 4, 2014 · I'm trying to add header for my request using HttpUrlConnection but the method setRequestProperty() doesn't seem working. js file. ApiKeyLocation. setRequestProperty("Authorization", "You Token"); Edit Just to be sure i dont miss the topic of the op. Configuring authentication headers for WebSocket connection. Click Send to run the Java Bearer Token Authorization Header example online and see the results. setDoOutput(true); hc. Jun 4, 2018 · static String sGetURL = "https://192. Each time you call setRequestHeader() after May 16, 2017 · If an API needs a Authorization Header then Using Volley we need to do this : JsonObjectRequest jsonObejct = new JsonObjectRequest(Request. connection. java:774) It seems the header map is read only. setRequestProperty("Authorization", authHeaderValue); Finally, we need to actually send the HTTP request, like for example by calling getResponseCode() . 4. Now you just need to annotate the apis you want to secure like this: @Authorization(HttpHeaders. html request. Of course you can change it by making changes in OAuth server's code but if you've got no control on the OAuth server's code it's not possible. To do that you need to create a class which implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> interface. <groupId>net. request. 3. HttpHeaders instead of org. By default, Resource Server looks for a bearer token in the Authorization header. private readonly ILoginApiRepository _loginApiRepository; Jun 11, 2013 · You can make a custom Request class that extends the StringRequest and override the getHeaders () method inside it like this: public class CustomVolleyRequest extends StringRequest {. getBody is a representation of the response itself. response. set('authorization', function (handshakeData, callback) configuration call. Sep 21, 2019 · There are multiple ways to add this authorization HTTP header to a RestTemplate request. First we’ll proceed and create a new Android Studio project. Authorization Filter. setRequestProperty ("Authorization", encodedCredentials); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter Aug 26, 2016 · I followed this link and set up the jwt authentication. If the header is not present or doesn’t Mar 6, 2024 · The set() method of the Headers interface sets a new value for an existing header inside a Headers object, or adds the header if it does not already exist. thanks – Nov 17, 2019 · 7. When the user is authenticated i get the authorization token in response: Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ In all tutorials I've seen authors pasting this token in authorization header when sending a GET request using POSTMAN, but no tutorial how it works in real request. openConnection(); String basicAuth = "Bearer 6f6b06fe-131e May 11, 2010 · 20. Listener<String> listener, Response. 1. I have a custom authentication mechanism. 168. io. 6. There also exists a KeyCloakRestTemplate which injects the header automatically. I have built a Filter with hopes of setting the header before it is passed on to the webapp. Based on your snipped I feel you should be looking to mock the HttpClient so that you can control/customize interactions made by that object to test your implementation Aug 23, 2019 · It is necessary for the servlet container. In order to send Authorization header with a request using Swagger UI I needed to: Given the name of my assembly is: My. UnsupportedOperationException at org. If using this for an API request, adding the Authorization header will first make XMLHttpRequest send an OPTIONS request, which may be denied by some APIs. Header is an interface in HttpClient, so you can use BasicHeader, its implementation class. Click on It, It display you how Postman apply code for your API. As dataType i need to use jsonp because doing crossdomain call. In the Menu API page, click on the Permissions tab and create three permissions by filling each row as follows (the + Add button adds a new row): create: items: Create menu items. Authorization Request Header Field. Just had to get the Header with envelope. Defining securitySchemes. public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {. If you want to add the header to all requests, you can use an okhttp interceptor Hi, i have tested all 3 methods. The Problem. Feb 8, 2022 · There is a constant String array in HttpURLConnection that is called EXCLUDE_HEADERS and has the following comment: // the following http request headers should NOT have their values // returned for security reasons. 0 implementation to create a Spring Boot application. . bat -exsh true -autoNameResolution <wsdl-url>. net. 2") { exclude module: 'mapstruct' // necessary in my case to not end up with multiple mapstruct versions } compile "io. In just a moment you’ll use Okta’s OAuth 2. google. try {. gradle compile("io. Usually, when you invoke some REST endpoint, you'll need some sort of authorization. When the server responded with 407 proxy Authentication Required status that brings the authentication between the user agent and the server. Furthermore , Authorization header field name is also provided by HttpHeaders. 1/set"; // Fetch a URL // Authentication // Assumes user and password are required // Will determine if Basic or Digest authentication is needed based on response header // HTTP Verb // If "postParams" is not null, will use POST May 30, 2020 · For Authorization header to work, it is also required to have security in the root of the specification. getEncoder(); String originalString = username+":"+password; String encodedString = encoder. getHeader("REMOTE_USER"); } But here the value of userid is coming as null. Also, please note that the call from the client to the server is a cross-domain call, that's why there is these set headers written on the Node. private final Map<String, String> customHeaders; public MutableHttpServletRequest Apr 4, 2024 · One way to elegantly add a BearerToken to an HttpClient request is to use a DelegatingHandler to intercept the request and insert the bearer token. Apr 3, 2019 · If I have some static headers that should be applied to any request sending with RestTemplate: how should those be added? In this example, I'd always want to sent the http header accept=applicaton/json. lang. @agamov proposed then to "manually" add authentication headers to each request, but there is a better solution: use an Interceptor: Feb 24, 2010 · 1. For example: Nov 20, 2020 · How to set cookie in deno websocket. (Important! Feb 15, 2020 · Setup Project. For e. getTokenString()) . It’s fairly straightforward for us to create the Authorization header for Basic Authentication, so we can do it manually with a few lines of code: HttpHeaders createHeaders(String username, String password) {. Sep 4, 2018 · name = HttpHeaders. I'm trying to use the Yelp API and I cant seem to access it. Dec 6, 2012 · In my application I need to set the header in the request and I need to print the header value in the console So please give an example to do this the HttpClient or edit this in my code My Code is , Jan 3, 2019 · Yes. Directly from java http client it works. Instead of that, in request I can see following additional headers: Access-Control-Request-Headers:authorization Access-Control-Request-Method:POST and sdch added in Accept-Encoding: Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, sdch Unfornately there is no Authorization header. Update: In case the Authenticator is not an option, you can manually do HTTP basic authentication by adding an extra header to your HTTP request. See full list on baeldung. Feb 10, 2020 · Im using Spring-Security and JWT library to generate token. Oct 24, 2014 · 16. Recently I have wrote a class which adds user credentials to SOAP header. @SecurityRequirement(name = "Authorization") public class PostController {} Make sure the security requirement match with the security scheme you set before. In this example, we'll show how to invoke endpoint protected with a Basic authorization that should create a car and return created object with RestTemplate in Spring. I'll credit you with the answer. java. ws. Introduction. Maven Dependencies. All requests are made from java script by attaching the authentication header like below in that. HttpHeaders. This section contains a list of named security schemes, where each scheme can be of type : http – for Basic, Bearer and other HTTP authentications schemes. – Fabian Rivera Commented May 22, 2018 at 17:45 I'm able to set the Auth Header on normal HTTPURLConnection requests like this: URL url = new URL(source); HttpURLConnection connection = this. Nov 18, 2017 · Please provide correct way to set authorization header in request for form. Jul 12, 2011 · Having created a java web service client using wsimport on a wsdl, I need to set the Authorization header for each soap message embedded in an http request. 2. May 8, 2020 · How to set Basic Authorization Header with RestTemplate. Let’s create a LoginHandler class and inherit from the DelegatingHandler class: public class LoginHandler : DelegatingHandler. public CustomVolleyRequest(int method, String url, Response. getBody method not available. In this short tutorial, we will see how to configure Swagger UI to include a JSON Web Token (JWT) when it calls our API. <version>2. I wouldn't mind including the token in the URL if there is some quirk possible like this one. request(request, onSuccessForRegister, onRegError); Now, I want to read this authorization header at the JAX-RS service, i. Aug 28, 2015 · How to set header Authentication in httpRequest? I tried with this, but It didn't work well. The difference between set() and Headers. xml I have some endpoints in the API - /user/login, /products. e username and password back in my Java Rest service and check with my db. net website). Method. springfox:springfox-bean-validators:2. Client certificate authentication can only be enforced by the server. It generates a tiny chrome extension (~30 lines of code) that will add the headers for you. Therefore one can use this code, which works fine: DefaultHttpClient http = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpPost post = new HttpPost(strURL); UsernamePasswordCredentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(. setBearerAuth(HttpHeaders. May 20, 2015 · 11. public OpenAPI customOpenAPI(@Value("${openapi. set(ReadOnlyHttpHeaders. Here's what I have Oct 7, 2021 · Open the APIs page from the Auth0 Dashboard and select the Menu API that you created earlier. \wsdl2java. Add Basic Authentication to a Single Request. html"); Dec 14, 2011 · Thanks v much for replying. private static final String[] EXCLUDE_HEADERS = { "Proxy-Authorization", "Authorization" }; For authentication, use java. 10. First, we need to create the HttpContext – pre-populating it with an authentication cache with the right type of authentication scheme pre-selected. index. defaultHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+ context. – May 4, 2015 · Here is a solution that will work in recent versions of Google Chrome with recent versions of selenium. And you should remove the security constraints for this servlet since you manage the security in the application if Jan 8, 2024 · Spring Web. But i am not able to handle it by jquery. The server responds with a 401 Unauthorized message that includes at least one WWW-Authenticate header. io 1. Jan 8, 2010 · A fine example found here. The global method is set on the server with the io. In short, OAuth 2. Set; public Aug 17, 2020 · The basic auth header is generated from username:password using base 64, the header authorization value could be generated like so:. There are two methods of authorization: global or namespace (think route). append appends the new value to the end of Apr 4, 2024 · The XMLHttpRequest method setRequestHeader() sets the value of an HTTP request header. 5</version>. http. Try the following code (untested): String userPassword = username + ":" + password; Oct 25, 2017 · As @xiaofeng. Jul 1, 2023 · In this Java Bearer Token Authorization Header example, we send a request with a bearer token to the ReqBin echo URL. openConnection(); con. Powerlord got it right, below, for POST you need HttpURLConnection, instead. encodeToString(originalString. setRequestProperty("Authorization", header) is not setting the Authorization header and hence server returns a 401. getHeaderField("CustomHeader") returns the response header not the request one. com"; URL urlObj = new URL(url); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) urlObj. String authorization = ""; URL address = new URL(url); hc = (HttpURLConnection) address. I am Able to set the rest of the headers but when I am using the particular Key I am not able to set any data. Log. Here is the code: URL url= new URL("MY API END POINT"); connection = (HttpURLConnection) url. This header contains the credentials to authenticate between the user agent and the user-specified server. Instead, this has to be an explicit decision made by the client. And calling application API which i have no chance to change. The server side doesn't receive any request with my header. 2 Added the following dependencies to build. In one of my REST services, I make use of Spring Security to validate the token that is being passed in the header. setRequestMethod("GET"); connection. I'm familiar with the setRequestHeader method, using it like: this. The following is the code snippet that adds request headers. getLogger(MyHandler. 16. For those who are using wsdl2java instead of wsimport the equivalent of -XadditionalHeaders is -exsh true (exsh stands for extended soap header binding and 'true' enables this) with an example command being: . Jul 21, 2023 · After you set the security scheme then in your api you can define the security requirement for the following endpoint with @SecurityRequirement. (it could as well be any other header, also multiple ones). setRequestMethod("GET"); Jul 21, 2018 · Navigating to our service requires basic authorization, with this header being included in the Swagger Landing Page when viewing in index. toString()); threw an unexpected exception: javax. 0 for Token Authentication in Java. Go to Postman Right corner near Save drop-down button there is a option link called code . A great walk-through for setting up a fully working example for both a Java client and server (using Tomcat) can be found on this website. Below is the sample XML header that we will be adding in the header of SOAP request. But first, you should make sure you understand what OAuth is, and what it is not. This header indicates what authentication schemes can be used to access the resource (and any Jun 28, 2016 · The conn. Oct 22, 2015 · An access token must be sent in the Authorization request header using the Bearer authentication scheme: 2. In Swagger UI I post email and password to /user/login and as a response I receive a token string. onreadystatechange = function() {. Issues/Remarks/Tips. proxyUser and http. AUTHORIZATION) Of course you can use your custom header, but for my solution I used Feb 4, 2011 · The webapp I am attempting to connect to uses the "Authentication" header to determine user credentials within the application. Oct 14, 2014 · The HttpURLConnection most definitely supports authentication with the Authenticator class, see: Http Authentication. springfox:springfox-swagger Aug 12, 2020 · This filter will check the existence and validity of the access token on the Authorization header. Put something like: <login-config>. Listener<JSONObject>() {. For this project we’ll be using Kotlin however the same implementation works for Java. java:99) at org. toCharArray()); I too got the response with the Nov 5, 2010 · I'm using oauth in an API library and the API requires that the Authorization header be explicitly set for each request. Aug 7, 2013 · Okay, by default the basic authentication is turned off. Add the Retrofit dependencies . All security schemes used by the API must be defined in the global components/securitySchemes section. 9. authenticate should work. ErrorListener errorListener) {. Mar 9, 2019 · Hence, the interceptor can be a one way to add a header in the request. Request header field Authorization is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response. This was not a problem when testing in test, and even locally but when we deployed to PROD we get this issue. Aug 14, 2015 · var request = {. Jun 18, 2012 · As I have came here looking for an Android-Java-Answer I am going to do a short summary: Use java. SOAPFaultException: Security Requirements not met - No Security header in message import java. Except for POST requests and requests that are signed by using query parameters, all Amazon S3 operations use the Authorization request header to provide authentication information. If you want to crate an token for Sep 6, 2014 · It seems that con. <scope>test</scope>. We will specify which endpoints will be subject to this filter in our configuration class. However, spring is unable to find the "Authorization" header, even though it is there. title}") String serviceTitle, @Value("${openapi. <realm-name>default</realm-name>. 1) HttpEntity directly before sending: When you want to set-up a server as well, the server needs its own key- and truststore files. Encoder encoder = Base64. apache. BrowserMobProxyServer proxy = new BrowserMobProxyServer(); May 25, 2022 · Objects of HttpRequest such as HttpGet or HttpPost provide a setHeader() method which is used to set value of an existing header or add a new header to the request. // D some business logics here if you receive The package name is wrong, in order to add headers when using Spring restTemplate, you should use org. getFirst(HttpHeaders. I would then like to sent this authorization header with each Swagger request on the page, rather than explicitly re-entering the credentials again via the Authorize button. <artifactId>browsermob-core</artifactId>. Below is the code to do that, URL url = new URL(urlString); URLConnection conn = url. com/file/d/1HRN I'm creating a get request in java that requires a header "Authorization" with a token value. To get around this you can also do: var invocation = new XMLHttpRequest(); invocation. When sending the access token in the Authorization request header field defined by HTTP/1. Similarly, we can implement WebServiceMessageCallback and override doWithMessage() method to add custom header. Aug 23, 2017 · I am facing a problem where I am not able to set the "Authorization" Header. GET, URL, null, new Response. If this method is called several times with the same header, the values are merged into one single request header. build(); As I know from the RestTemplate, it can be used as a Singleton. open(url); connection. @Bean. Assembly. setDoOutput(true); conn. setRequestProperty ("Authorization", accesToken); May 23, 2018 · For the headers question, you should at least provide an example of what you have already tried so other are able to comment out your solution or propose a better approach. openConnection(); conn. HTTP headers: Authorization header | Web Services TutorialClick the below link to download the Java Source code and PPT: https://drive. IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: https: May 11, 2020 · The HTTP Proxy_Authorization header is a request type of header. xml. 1, the client uses the Bearer authentication scheme to transmit the access token. CustomAsset("index", thisAssembly, "My. Preemptive Basic Authentication. Today we use Bearer token more often that Basic Authentication but if you want to have Basic Authentication first to get Bearer token then there is a couple ways: const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request. : public class MyHandler implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext> {. li correctly pointed out, you have unnecessary : in header name, should be like this : con. To return the request header use: conn. return new PasswordAuthentication(authUser, authPassword. I'm using Spring Integration 4. newBuilder(). setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Token " + token); – rkosegi Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 6:46 Mar 15, 2015 · In case someone would want to add the bearer token header at the Client entity level itself, rather than at the Request entity level (in my case I had a factory method for returning preconfigured Client entities, so I had no way of adding the authorization header within the factory method, as . return new HttpHeaders () {{. service. Java™, Java™ SE, Java Aug 29, 2023 · The Authorization header is usually, but not always, sent after the user agent first attempts to request a protected resource without credentials. 2. private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory. However, enabling it is far too complicated ( link) . In this example, we’ll use springdoc-openapi-ui, which includes all the necessary dependencies to start working with Swagger and Swagger UI. I ommited the real names ´cause is confidencial information, i only need to know how correctly set the header with the authorization token Oct 6, 2015 · 5. username, Oct 15, 2019 · java. When using setRequestHeader(), you must call it after calling open(), but before calling send() . Out of the box, the HttpClient doesn’t do preemptive authentication. Swagger. It's gonna create security button for your Swagger UI to set auth header. </login-config>. There are 3 overloaded versions of setHeader() This method accepts a Header object. – user4856296. proxyPassword. You need get a string representation of it and to deserialize it to an appropriate model with Jackson or gson. HttpClient provides limited support for what is known as NTLMv1, the early version of the NTLM protocol. Also, we can use JAXB Marshaller to add headers. springframework. execute(request); May 16, 2022 · Usually response. 0. URL myURL = new URL(url); HttpURLConnection myURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection)myURL. Please help. Start the Proxy and configure the webdriver. header() becomes available only after you go through the ClientBuilder. openConnection(); connection. RELEASE and it doesn't seem to want to add my Authorization Header to the SOAP requests. According to the documentation, I'm supposed to: "Put the API Key in the request header as "Authorization: Bearer " I'm not familiar with Authorizations and Not sure if I'm doing it correctly. Feb 8, 2008 · NT Lan Manager (NTLM) authentication is a proprietary, closed challenge/response authentication protocol for Microsoft Windows. Jan 25, 2024 · As mentioned previously, we have to use “Authorization” as our header and “Basic ” + encoded credentials as our value: connection. Oct 16, 2018 · Understand OAuth 2. – vab2048. AUTHORIZATION, in = ApiKeyAuthDefinition. This, however, can be customized in a handful of ways. Having generated a subclass of javax. getRequestProperty("CustomHeader") Share Oct 4, 2017 · If it working fine on Postman, Then you can take code or header help from Postman . It is working fine. open('GET', url, false, username,password) request. Unfortunately, it looks somewhat non-trivial to create such a factory, even when you just want to set a single Authorization header, which is pretty frustrating considering what a common requirement that likely is, but at least it allows easy use if, for example, your Authorization header can be created from data contained in a Spring-Security Jun 14, 2016 · 3. class); Mar 3, 2020 · Call<UserProfile> getUser(@Path("id") String id, @Header("Authorization") String authHeader); This can be a bit annoying because you will have to pass in the "Bearer" + token on each call. html, I added this line in SwaggerConfig. HTTP Authorization Header in EventSource (Server Sent Events) 4. URLConnection and set the Authentication-Header manually like shown here Now in a servlet B, I'm trying to get the header value that was set in the servlet A: public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String userid = request. setDoInput(true); Manual Management of the Authorization HTTP Header. Note: I tried to execute the same request from POSTMAN and this works fine there. client. g. soap. JWT. Any idea how to resolve this. Only some details about NTLM protocol are available through reverse engineering. Please let me know what I'm missing here. Jul 30, 2019 at 10:57. 0 is “the industry-standard protocol for authorization” (from the OAuth. setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Bearer " + token); This is standard for HttpURLConnection. in your web. You'll have to use an HttpServletRequestWrapper: final HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request; HttpServletRequestWrapper wrapper = new HttpServletRequestWrapper(httpRequest) {. Aug 3, 2016 · The code create an axis call using a wsdl, code on base64 an username, create parameters, try create a header to add "Authorization: Basic {codedUsername}",add header to service call, and call a service method. HEADER. Configuration. Then, I can copy the token from the response and want to use it as Authorization header value in requests to all urls if it's present, and to /products as an example. Instead of using a URLConnection, you should be using an HttpClient to make a request. {. @Override. vw kx gp kd go yz wr th ez yc