Should i follow my ex on instagram after 4 years

Don’t block your ex if you have kids or other important responsibilities together. So, let’s have a look at the list of some of the most common reasons: They are interested in being in touch with you. She unblocked me on everything and followed me on instagram yesterday and I’m really confused of her intentions and not sure what to do. 3 years is a long time and I don't doubt she's moved on. Who knows, It may even cause him to desire to reconcile when he sees that you’re moving on. After taking an informal poll of local singles in my life, they all agree that while a breakup can be painful in the moment, erasing all photos from social media is too harsh of an ending. Dec 16, 2019 · What to do with your social media accounts after you break up with your S. It's like no contact, not talking to one another, because it makes it all that more difficult and painful. The end of a relationship can be damaging to an individual's self-concept. I don't hate (or even dislike) any of my exes, but they're not a part of my life anymore and probably never will be again, so I have no interest in following them on social media. g. Jan 23, 2024 · Psychologists shared seven reasons not to follow an ex on Instagram, as well as when it's probably (mostly, maybe) harmless. We all need to heal after a breakup and honesty it’s respectable to do what’s best for yourself; as long as it’s not in a vindictive way. "If your mental health isn't doing well, then don't add more Straight up, bluntly tell him, "It's disrespectful and outright inconsiderate for you to be doing that so much that she's a top person. Feb 20, 2024 · According to Dr. -3. " Allowing them to follow you doesn't have any purpose, other than showing off how happy you and your S. You must. I still have group pictures with my ex on social media because we have mutual friends. "In the days following a Mar 14, 2024 · 4. Requesting to follow them may come across as intrusive, and they may not feel comfortable accepting your request. They can misinterpret your virtual gestures as a purposeful act to catch their attention and initiate a talk. Ive been getting much better over the past 2 months, with no contact, and ive gotten a promotion and I just found out that my ex blocked my Instagram account yesterday, after 3. Whether they’re looking to inspire pity, envy, or longing, seeing your ex Jan 28, 2023 · Advertisement. Once they see you followed them, they might be excited to follow you back. IndigoTrailsToo. Gone is their Instagram friendship and all posts from their time together. One study 2 even found that failing to reestablish a robust self-identity post-breakup can lead to poorer well-being and continued feelings of love for an ex. 31, 2018. But remember: It’s more to their detriment than yours. Keep working on yourself. Then use these free coins to get more followers and likes for your Instagram account. Not only is that a catty thought, it's also Mar 27, 2024 · If your crush’s Instagram account is private, it’s best to respect their privacy and not follow them. They just want to be friends with you. If you expect me, as a self-respecting woman, to be cool with you instagram-stalking your ex then you're not fit to be in a relationship. If you follow him then he will know you’re still interested. 10 Reasons Your Ex May Have Unblocked You. Feb 28, 2024 · 1. I'm a little shocked since I didn't even know he was into that. I trust him but I am surprised that they are following each other since he said they are not friends at all and he was really sick of her when they broke up (which was about 4 years ago. Jan. When your ex texts you after a year, one possible reason is that they miss you. Credit: Stocksy It all started with a simple request. Lighting is everything. For example, if it’s a guy, he could wish to see if you’re currently dating someone else. Dmitriy Bilous/Stocksy. “You have to look before our session next week. In light of the news—and the end of an era—we find ourselves wondering if we should follow suit. +1 y. Over-analyzing Every Post: One of the biggest dangers of following your crush on Instagram is falling into the trap of overanalyzing every post. Mute, but don’t block. This is a good possibility of a reason he decided to do this. ) Idk, I don't follow any exes on FB or Instagram but that's just me---once a romantic relationship ends, I don't care to have their presence in my life anymore Sep 20, 2023 · Related Read: My Ex Followed Me on Instagram; Should I Follow Back? #3 You are trying to get back to them. Sarah Davidson would like to follow you. Feb 20, 2024 · Vuk Saric/E+/Getty Images. But the reality is that there are many people in the world each If the motivation is loneliness and you already know you don't want to get back with her, don't message her. com Mar 4, 2021 · It was in a session with my therapist, when she asked me about my first relationship, that I confessed I had no idea what my ex was up to because I had completely cut him out of my life four years ago. I know we're not getting back but I still care about her as a friend. People share all kinds of things on social media, but for the most part, people tend to only share the good things. Within a few weeks usually. Dumpees generally follow their ex to keep an eye on their ex and to feel hopeful and less anxious, whereas dumpers do it out of curiosity or to avoid cutting their ex Create an account or log in to Instagram - Share what you're into with the people who get you. They genuinely want to be friends. It depends on how you feel about it. Your ex-girlfriend’s action might stem from this innate human trait. Romijn and Stamos divorced in 2005, and she has since had twin daughters #4 Stop stalking your ex. Step 3. Your teacher has a lot of power over you, so I hope you can see that this is for the best. Just focus on yourself. I can't let it get to me. All of them are instagram or sports models. Each person you share your life with teaches you something about yourself and contributes to the person you Mar 5, 2018 · If you want to know why your ex still follows you on social media, you must understand that dumpees and dumpers follow or keep following their exes for slightly different reasons. She wants to see if you would do anything like talk to her again. Students have a lot of power when it comes to teachers, too. No, but my ex who I dated for almost five years keeps viewing my Instagram Apr 10, 2024 · They will start liking your posts back, and eventually you can work your way up to full conversations. As he got into another relationship he started showing it off on Instagram. i have been asking everyone for their opinion but i really don’t know what to feel. If I was I'd unfollow or unfriend them immediately. Jul 22, 2021 · Absolutely. You should definitely remove your ex from your social medias. But we do not live in an Jun 12, 2024 · Let’s explore the possible reason that your ex is adding to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or some other social media account. You’ll hate to hear this, but another typical reason your ex unblocked you is that they’ve moved on. I don't have social media or whatever, so I'm never in this position. Is it Yes but it makes everything worse once u start u cant stop so never start. Feb 17, 2022 · Study 1: 223 participants (114 men); average age of 35 years old; 85 percent heterosexual; average length of relationship with the former spouse or romantic partner (e. by Dayna Troisi. To not feel like shit all the time. Navigating through your social media presence after ending a relationship can Aug 14, 2023 · Reason 2. stick to your guns and don’t accept it. Jan 16, 2024 · Final Words: Viewing your ex’s Instagram stories during a no contact period is a personal decision, but remember your mental health is way more important than being updated about your personal Aug 25, 2016 · Rebecca R. I don't appreciate that. Block your ex if they’re trying to contact you without your permission or you feel the need to move on. Aug 13, 2019 · She suggests that when you get the urge to check their page, you could take a five-minute walk outside instead. From who they’re tagged with to the emojis they use, it’s easy to read too much into things and drive yourself crazy with speculation. Doesn’t hate or love you anymore. Back in the day, making a clean break from an ex was possible. ago. Was this a sign of reconciliation, or just another attempt to Feb 8, 2024 · The reason they watch your story regularly is in hopes they'll catch a glimpse of your new S. It’s a two way street. " If he tries to deflect from the fact that he's Rather than leaving the past in the past, your ex’s regrets compel them to resurface in your Instagram feed. But if they've unfollowed you on social media, it might be good to take a break from stalking them on social media. However, flaunting your new Jan 23, 2024 · Woman looking at her ex's Instagram on her phone. Jan 11, 2024 · Simply reaching out impulsively without a specific motive in mind. Sarah had been my first love, the kind of soul Mar 5, 2018 · This happens provided that dumpees stayed in no contact and let the dumpers process all negative post-breakup emotions. Share. Mar 27, 2020 · You truly think the ex was the best you could get. I obviously declined the request, I don't care about her at all it has been years, we have both been in other relationships, I just wonder why would she do that? Also she is currently in a relationship, I thought for a second about sending the screenshot to her current BF, but I figure We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. While experts agree across the board that removing your ex from your social See full list on relationshipexplained. The emotional turmoil can be overwhelming as you navigate Yes, it is weird. Their follow opens the door to finally discussing what happened constructively. #11. “Oh,” she said, looking alarmed. If they make an effort to check up on you and ask how you're doing, that's a good sign. So, pay attention to whether or not stalking your ex on social media is keeping you from moving forward. Your ex’s friends told him to. Jul 2, 2018 · It was a long time ago. My ex followed me on instagram, should I follow back? We broke up almost a year ago and she cut talking terms with me and blocked me in June and we haven’t really talked since. , a 37-year-old television executive from Manhattan, says, “My ex blocked me on Facebook, but I hear through my cousins (whom he hasn’t blocked) that he’s married and has kids now. Maybe you want them to miss you, so you unfollow them. After breakup he tried initiating convos on WhatsApp but I ignored him. [13] Try leaving short comments on their posts at first like “nice!” or “cool pic. Be prepared for any of these possibilities, and ask yourself if you’re going to be ok with it. Depends on the circumstances of the break up, and how my mood is after a few weeks. They may wait for you to make the first move by following their Instagram account if they’re also interested. , ex-husband or ex-wife Mar 1, 2019 · If your account is public, you can use Instagram's handy dandy "remove follower" feature. Those behaviors may be initially attractive to Jan 31, 2018 · I Followed My Ex On Instagram & This Is (Horrifyingly) What Happened. To try to get your life back together. This is for students' protection. 6. They Miss You. : 1. ADMIN MOD. Alternatively, if your ex is a woman, she may want to see if your new Jan 29, 2024 · 1. Furthermore, I fear that she only wants to follow me to pry into my life. Reply. Jun 6, 2024 · 12. I know that when I requested to follow the Ex and she accepted,all it did was put me in a constant comparison loop,not only did I feel like shit in all category’s of my life,compared to her,but I also started creating scenarios and spiraling over every little thing,like Xper 3 Age: 30. O. So, if you’re being stalked online by your ex, it’s not a bad sign. 2) They Were Using Their Friends Initially To Spy. She was kinda toxic but also was a good friend sometimes but Idk, we haven't talked in 2 months and she is with someone else now. Login and add your IG usernames to gain unlimited free coins. Following him would be like trying to get him back. So, you will end up making a mistake you will regret later if you keep them on your social medias. This man or woman may just want to know if you are Feb 20, 2024 · If you’re still following your ex on IG, then it’s possible they’re posting 24/7 in order to get your attention. Her reason for doing so is complicated. According to Daramus, keeping tabs on an ex who clearly doesn't want to stay up to date on your life can be unhealthy. He is doing this for a reaction from you. Should I follow my ex on Instagram after 4 years? “It’s important to recognize that even if a breakup is amicable, it may not be the best idea to continue following each other on social media,” advises a relationship expert in an interview with Elite Daily. You may find yourself starting to feel Most Helpful Opinions. I'm not sure if I should try to reconnect with her, or leave the past behind. As long as you no longer roamed the same high school hallways or had kids together Sep 28, 2021 · After her romance resurgence with Ben Affleck, Lopez has officially wiped away all photographic evidence of her prior relationship with ex-fiancé, Alex Rodriquez. lokregarlogull. It may be that your ex wants to know how you are doing because the man (or woman) is curious about your well-being. Because right now, your emotions have control over you more than you can realize. That, or that they’re deep in the process of doing so. Xper 6 Age: 25 , mho 69%. I recall going through a breakup where I blocked my ex, yet I remained curious about her activities. Teachers are not allowed to contact students through social media. she probably followed back because's she's still emotionally attached to you and wants to see how you're doing without interfering. Eventually I deleted his number. Personal Growth And Moving On. Curiousness regarding your life. I have totally moved on. are. What should I do? TL:DR; My ex-best friend who ignored me for many years now sent me a follow request. False hopes. Nov 16, 2023 · 6. Jul 20, 2023 · There are many reasons for your ex to unblock you on Instagram. It's possible he will want to follow you again after he gets through the worst, but let him have some peace for the moment. And i cant even think of words good. My ex sent me a follow request on instagram after 4 years. After five long years, my ex suddenly reappeared, following me around like a shadow. I caved and checked his Instagram (I know I shouldn't have) and he is following 15 new people. I’ve been NC for 1 month after a 5 year relationship. No matter how many times you sydestar1. Pictures should follow the two-thirds rule. She’s not married. Feb 3, 2018 · Here Are 4 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Your Ex On Social Media (According to Psychologists) 1. chaleesi Follow. 1. This means you’re getting a limited view of your ex – all of the good parts. If she says she has a boyfriend just say, that’s ok he’s not invited - are you down? And respect her answer. Do not follow or add him anywhere. However, if you’re unfollowing for your peace and healing yourself, then it’s not immature. He had already blocked me on Facebook since the breakup. If you’re still hurting from the breakup, seeing your ex happy and moving on can make the pain even worse. Let them watch your stories and see how much better On the other hand, I want to close the door on the past forever. He or she wants to know what is new with you. And it looks like he started liking their posts when we were together. It might make them follow you back. Jan 31, 2023 · Platforms like Instagram have made stepping out on your partner easier than ever. These are 12 possible reasons why your ex might have texted you after a year, each carrying its unique meaning and intent. But it was important to me. Following your ex may negatively No. When they comment on yours, reply with 1-word phrases like “thanks!” or “hahahah. It sounds like you are the only and you think that your ex will fix that. My ex’s social media behaviour has completely changed during this time. She does it because she thinks she’s over you and wants to start somewhere to friendship 3. Unfollowing your ex can help you create some distance and give you the space you need to heal. When you and your ex go through a breakup, it's natural to be curious about what they're up to. Was your partner overly dependent? Partners exhibiting extreme dependence on the other are often suppliant, over-agreeable, and non-challenging. The Lure of Curiosity: Imagine curiosity as a silent whisper, subtly urging one to peek through the keyhole of the past. Jan 18, 2018 · In an ideal world, no one would ever need to unfollow anyone else on Instagram. “If your partner’s ex still follows them on Instagram but they’re respectful of your relationship, there really isn’t anything to handle Odd_Nobody. , tells mbg. So after 3 years we broke up because she didnt feel in love anymore. It’s a sign that your ex doesn’t despise you as a person and doesn’t mind seeing your face every now and then. But if your ex's the ex seems confused. She thought avoiding my ex completely was Feb 20, 2024 · The same goes if their ex follows them back. either that or she doesn't wanna lose you as an ig follower and mess up her follower-following ratio aha. You idealize your ex, convincing yourself they were your "perfect" partner that no one else will match up to. • 2 yr. It's easy to get caught up in wondering what your ex is up to and what they're doing with their life, but it Should I follow my ex on Instagram after 4 years? “It’s important to recognize that even if a breakup is amicable, it may not be the best idea to continue following each other on social media,” advises a relationship expert in an interview with Elite Daily. I recently reinstalled a phone game my ex and I use to play. Who knows, maybe your ex no longer feels the need to keep you out of their digital life. This decision is more complex than it appears, involving emotional, social, and even digital implications. even though he doesn't follow her. Then, it is immature. true. Then I found out he had deactivated his main Facebook today. A main reason some people struggle to move on from their ex is idealization, counselor Sheryl Paul, M. I refuse to be petty and block exes. It's been 6-8 months that I haven't talked to my ex. Tell her she’s pretty and ask. Is it okay to send him follow request on Instagram? Also he recently completed one year with… I don’t think it’s immature to unfollow an ex. 7. My ex of four years had to of been searching me in Instagram and looking at my stories to probably see how I am doing unlike Snapchat you have to unfriend. We unfollowed each other right after the breakup, but they followed me earlier (my profile is public). Noted won't do it. Apr 23, 2019 · 3. So right now i am shaking with saddness. That’s what makes it so confusing. Once your ex chooses to move on with his life whether your breakup was bad or not, that’s when he decides to unblock you and not contact you anymore. And so cheating through Instagram has become increasingly common. Jan 20, 2022 · 100% safe & clean. An ex watching your Stories could mean everything — or it could mean absolutely nothing. "If your ex is still looking on your May 24, 2017 · So I made a post yesterday about this issue numerous people told me to contact her and reach out which I did. It's been a year we broke up. Everyone has that one ex that will always low-key f*ck them up. Instagram is one of the most heavily used social platforms for people under 30 and has over 400 million active users per month. I was hurt so I had to unfollow him on insta. He is neutral. , wanting to know if you've downgraded or upgraded from them. Shoot your shot bro. May 7, 2023 · When you see your ex’s posts on Instagram, it can trigger a range of emotions, including sadness, jealousy, and anger. Jun 26, 2024 · Things You Should Know. If you and your ex split on not-so-good terms, and they unfollow you on Instagram out of pettiness, don't let them get Dec 22, 2022 · As a result, they may decide to unfollow you to reclaim this wasted time. Similarly, in an ideal world, every neighbor you lived next to would be a perfect neighbor. I'm better than this. And if your initial replacement behaviors don't work, just keep trying news ones We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Every break up teaches us something, but we only learn Otherwise, no. There’s a chance that following your crush will lead to them following you back. They’re curious about you (don’t mistaken this as them caring about you) If your ex requested to follow you on Instagram, they are at least a teeny bit curious about your life. Jul 26, 2013 · Rebecca Romijn (@RebeccaARomijn) July 17, 2013 Obviously she is as excited for the Jesse and the Rippers reunion as we are. Brown, you should only be concerned if your ex refuses to engage with you IRL — even when they have the opportunity — but continually likes your IGs. She posts 3x as often. They might be curious about Jan 16, 2024 · The short answer is: It depends. ” A year is a long time, and while you may have been simmering over texting your ex for a year, they may have moved on. Jan 9, 2024 · By Jacob • LAST UPDATED January 9, 2024. You might have a hard time deciding if you should mute, block, or unfollow an ex after a my ex (we broke up a year and three months ago) requested to follow me on instagram almost 3 weeks ago. I removed my ex situationship on Instagram after he ended things. Yes I know it’s bad to still check up on him, but I can’t help to do it once in a while. It’s metaphorical arson of your breakup box. They’re probably hoping to learn about your life and what you’ve been up to during the time that you’ve been apart. Then either hang and get that or move on with your mind fantasies. May 22, 2019 · 02. Like u said If u really are meant to be it will happen. “And Oct 18, 2016 · A 27-year-old journalist -- who prefers to remain anonymous -- is also in favour of staying friends with exes on social media. Jun 30, 2023 · However, little did I know that my life was about to change in ways that I never expected. My Ex started following models on Instagram right after the breakup. She wants to see what you’re doing to the point she follows you 2. so, let me say how our relationship (if it even was a relationship we dated for 3 months) ended. Jan 23, 2024 · "Following an ex on Instagram is not for the faint of heart and introduces a lot of complicated dynamics," Dr. “There are certain relationships [that we hold] throughout our lives,” James Guay, LMFT previously told Elite Daily. Block your ex if seeing their online activity causes you any stress or negatively impacts your mental health. It's natural to feel a mix of emotions when your ex resurfaces in your life, especially on a platform where you share personal moments. "Perhaps they truly are over the romantic aspects of your relationship It would probably be you doing her a service if you declined the request. Your ex is mad at you: If your ex is mad at you, they may decide to unfollow you on social media as an easy way to distance themselves from you. Now I have moved on not completely but still in a good place. 13. 3. He messed me around a bit after so I got fed up and removed him. So here’s some scenarios, 1. Now he is a part of the neutral realm and doesn’t want to stay on bad terms with you. Feb 1, 2021 · Conclusion: Your goal of using Instagram after a breakup should be to challenge the negative perceptions your ex has of you, and here are five rules that will help you achieve that: Always be the subject of all your pictures. Dec 29, 2023 · Let’s delve deeper into the possible motivations behind your ex-girlfriend’s decision to follow you on Instagram. I had my ex's pictures up on social media after we broke up, but since I started dating someone new, first I put it on hiding then just deleted it out of respect for them. Your ex may not respond, or they might even be angry you contacted them. Reply reply. Cz maybe u feel that way about him but it's not necessary he still feels the same. ”. Jul 22, 2021 · Dated him for 4 years, he was my first love and broke my heart countless times. Simply go to your follower list, click on the three dots next to their ex's name, and hit "remove. Jan 15, 2018 · Pay attention to how the friends in question respond to you immediately after the split. But we said all the way through our 2 month thing that we’d want to stay friends in life even if it didn’t work out romantically. jcl199407. Step 2. " It means they have Jan 18, 2019 · According to Brown, an ex following you on Instagram could mean that they miss you, either romantically or just as a friend. 5. Rediscover your individuality & forge a new identity. Get followers or you can get free coins by completing simple tasks daily like the daily reward, lucky box, lucky draw and so on. Oct 26, 2023 · As emotions stabilize, logic often prevails. If you want to speak with him, you could message him on social media to see what’s going on. Thus, the primary reason your ex unblocks you is that it’s statistically the most probable outcome. Deciding whether or not to unfollow an ex-partner on social media is a dilemma that many people face post-breakup. Nov 2, 2023 · The emotional impact of your ex following you on Instagram can be significant, as it brings back memories and stirs up feelings of longing and regret. An ex unblocking you may not want you back in their life, but they may want to know how your life is. If you are unfollowing your ex because you want to take revenge on them. I realized my ex was still on my friend's list in Feb 1, 2024 · 4. Your reappearance on social media and active involvement in your ex's posts can be seen as your urge to reunite with them. . Nothing good will come of that, we can guarantee it. A. You need to take control of your emotions, only then you can focus on yourself like you should. Related: Internet Conflicted Over Rise in Popularity of Divorce Parties Feb 16, 2024 · 1. If you don't have a new partner, don't go out and find one to make your ex jealous. McGeehan says. If it is, it’s time to unfollow them. Should I follow back? I'm leaning more toward no, since seeing their posts would probably make me sad, but the breakup was on pretty good terms and I don't want it to seem like I have hard feelings toward them. He might be talking to you or have decided to unblock you simply because his buds suggested that he do this. Its reach is massive. It’s fine to let him know this if he communicates to you that he wants to try again, but don’t let him know how you feel so easily without him even messaging you first. Additionally, if they decline your request, it may make things awkward if you see them in person. I know this happens because I’ve done it myself. 5 months of NC and we don’t even follow each other. While friendship between exes is complex, some former partners can make it work. The memories flooded back, both good and bad, and I found myself in a state of confusion and uncertainty. “Taking some time apart to grow individually is perfectly acceptable. But with this girl it wasn't a murder scene. They still love you. This could be because of something you said or did in person or online that made them angry. I checked my Ex's Instagram after No contact for two months, bad decision. They want to know how you are doing in life. Should I follow my ex on Instagram? New Year is right around the corner, kinda feel like I should show she matters to me. 2. lu hy ww sw bu mi pq wg yj cz